(A/N:photo is not mine i downloaded it from google.credit to the rightful owner.)
3rd person pov
Beam and Sharp was shock on what they are witnessing. Benjamin was being hugged by a an stranger. He attempt to approach that man but Beam hold his arm to stop from doing it. From Beams look, he knows that the man is Forth.
Benjamin tilted his head and he see Beam standing at the back of Forth. He push away from Forths hug and he stand up. After he stands up, he give his hands to Forth signaling him to stand also. Forth grabs Benjamins hands and he stands up. Then Benjamin talks.
"Destiny found its way mom" he said while looking at Beam,still there is no expression can be seen to his face. That kid is really one of a kind.
And then Forth turns around and he see Beam standing at his back with that guy. Beam is still in shock. He did not know what to do. And suddenly Sharp grab his right hand and intertwine their fingers. That gesture did not slip to Forths eyes. He look at those intertwined fingers then look at Beams face. He look at his dough brown eyes, down to his pointed knows, hes pinkish white cheeks and those red floopy lips. "Oh god, how i miss those lips" he said to himself and then he said "How are you Ba..Beam?" (He is suppose to say babe). Still he got no response to Beam. "It's been 5 years, nice to see you again". He continous
Benjamin look at his mama, he see that at any moment, Beam will burst in to cry. Then he moves to his left side and grab his hands. Signaling to his mama that it is alright.
Then he talk.
"Finally we met Mr.Jaturapoom" he said to Forth. And from what he hears,Beam regain its conciousness.
He looks at his son. Benjamin is so calm, as if he was old enough to act like that.
"I am Benjamin, Benjamin Baramee. You can call me Benj or just little pumpkin like what they are use of calling me" he continous and led his right hand to Forth gesturing for a hand shake. Forth smiles to his sons gesture, the kid is so adorable.
Forth extended his right hand also and accept the handshake invitation from his son. "I am Forth Jaturapoom,nice to meet you Benjamin" he said dearly to his son.
"Well, its look like my mama is speechless at the moment" he said mockingly to Beam. Beam snap abit
"Ehemmn..."sharp fake a cough to ease the tention. "Hi i'm Sharp" he let go Beams hands and extend his hands for a handshake to Forths..he continous "Beams co..."
"He's my boyfriend" Beam said suddenly, and Sharp get it.
"I am Beams...boyfriend" the two men shake their hands. Sharp felt that the grip of Forths hand to his is tighten a bit and Beam saw it and he speak. "How have you been Forth" he ask Forth.
Forth let go of Sharp hands and smile to Beam. "I'm good" he said.
There is an awkward silence between the three of them and Benjamin sense that. He is confuse why his mama tell to Forth that his uncle Sharp is his boyfriend. Well he will ask his mama later at home, and then he speaks again.
"Mr. Jaturapoom, where have you been during those five years?"
They all got frozen aback to what they heard.
Froth then kneels down to reach Benjamins level and he grabs the kid both hands. "During those five years, Mr. Jaturapoom here is busy building his empire. The empire that he will give to his little Benjamin when the time i find him" he smiles tenderly
"You mean you also have a child same as my name?" He ask innocently
Sharp chuckles on what he hears but still Beam is silent.
"Yes, i have a child who's gone missing 5 years ago. While i'm building my empire, i do everything just to find him at the same time" he said
"Did you already found him?"
"Yes...and he is standing infront of me, wearing a hood jacket, denim short and a yellow rubber shoes" he smiles
Then Benjamin concoiusly looking at himself. "You mean, its me?" He said
Beam rolls his eyes. He knows his son. He play trick to Forth.
"Yes its you"
Benjamin is silent. Maybe still thinking what he will say next. Then Beam speak.
"Benj baby,stop the tricks already" he said to Benjamin
"But mama.." he said in protest
"Enough baby" he said. "Forth... Benjamin knows you since he was born" he said to Forth. Forth stand up and look at Beam
"I told you 5 years ago that i will not keep you secret from him, and i'm keeping that promise"
"Thank you" Forth said to Beam. Beam just nods
"Can i call you son?" He look down at Benjamin but Benjamin look at Beam.
Beam caress Benjamin cheeks and said "its up to you baby"
"Mr. Jaturapoom... let destiny decide whether when you are going to call me son and whether when i call you father" he said to Forth. Forth looks amused to his son behavior, he is just a kid but act like a mature one.
Sharp chuckles,Beam roll his eyes. He mentally facepalm his self. "Seriously son, that destinys thing again?" He said to his self.
Forth just nods on what he hears from Benjamin.
"Ahmm..Beam" he said while looking at Beam. "May i know where you live here at Chiang Mai?" He ask
Beam nods and get a pen and paper to his bag and write down their address. He give it to Forth.
"Ahmm.." he scratch his not itchy nape."Can i have also your number" he said and look also to Sharp..
"Can i?, ahm i just needed his number so that i can call or inform him if i would like to visit Benjamin" he said to Sharp and Sharp just nods. Then Beam give his calling card. Its written there that Beam work in the hospital that is one of the beneficiary of his charity event. He just smile at the thought."Well Forth, we have to say good bye, cause Sharp is tired and he wants to take a rest" Beam said with out looking to Forths eyes and cling his arm to Sharps. Forth just nods
"Ok baby say good bye to him"
Benjamin take two steps to reach Forth. Then Forth kneels down again and hug the kid and then Benjamin whispers something to Forths ear to make Forth shows his gummy smile again. Beam look confuse on what he see but he said nothing and then Benjamin bid his good bye to Forth.
"Bye Mr. Jaturapoom, till we see each other again" Forth nods and the three of then turn around but Benjamin stop and said.
"My birthday is on tuesday Mr. Jaturapoom, hope you come, please bring me lots of color pencils and sketchpad as a present, because of what happened today i dont get the chance to spent some millions of uncle Sharp"and then he winks at Forth. Forth is so amused to his child, he is really amazing and bright child. He can see that he get Beams traits.

Another Chance
Fanfiction"I don't know what happen, but i think i am not happy anymore" - forth That's what forth told to beam when they last talk and seen each other 5 years ago, after what forth said to beam, he decided to leave forth and moved on. What will happen if the...