chapter 13: don't assume things

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(A/N: please play the song as the back ground while reading this chapter titled Only reminds me of you by MYMP (A Filipino band).


At Beams room:

What happened earlier is too much for Beam to handle. He is so crimpy. For just 2 encounter he just let Forth kiss him. He facepalm his self.
"Oh god, what happen to me, am i supposed to be angry at him?" He mumbles to himself while hugging the pillow. "But oh my gosh, i miss him so much" he also said to himself. After 20 minutes Benjamin and Forth enters the room cartying a tray with pancake and orange juice. Benjamin walk straight to the bed sitting beside Beam.

"Let's eat mama, dada finish cooking already" he said

Beam just nods. Forth put the plate down and begin to spoon feed both Benjamin and Beam. Beam get shy at first and hesitant to take the food. "I can eat by myself Forth" he said

"I know"..Forth said "but i want to." He continues. Beam cheeks blush again. He let Form feed them both. After they finished the food grandma Loli knock on the door.

Knock..knock.. "Beam son"

"Come in grandma" Beam said

"I will cook dinner tonight, i just wanted to invite Forth is he wants to eat dinner with us now" she said while looking at Forth. Beam kept quiet.

"Ok grandma, i stay for dinner. Thank you for inviting" he said

"Ok then, ill just call the three of you when food is ready" she turn around but suddenly she said "Oh, by the way Beam, Sharp is already here, he's in the balcony eating the pancakes" she said.

Forth looks at Beam and Beam just nods to his grandma when suddenly Benjamin speak.

"He is uncle Sharp, mamas second cousin" Benjamin said while playing his rubrics cube.

Forth smiles and said "i know" and he grin remembering the time Beam introduces Sharp as his boyfriend. Beam lowered his head in shyness. His cheeks still blushing.

Forth face Benjamin."Baby"he said holding his hands "can i talk to mama for awhile?" He said with pleading eyes. And Benjamin is too smart for that and got up from bed and kiss Beams cheeks. "I'll go to uncle sharp mama." He said and before he go out of the room, he face again and talk. "Dada, this is your chance. Fighting!" Forth laughs,hes son is so smart at adorable. Still Beam is speechless.

When Benjamin closes the door, Beam immediately stand up and pretending to go to the bathroom but Forth restrain him from going too.

"Beam lets talk" he just nods and he sit again in the bed.

"Ok Forth, talk."

"I don't know if you will believe me, but i try to find you and Benjamin after you left." He said "i am sorry Beam for what i have done, please give me a chance to explain myself to you"

Beam sighs... "It's all in the past Forth, actually i don't want to bring it up again." He said "It does hurt me, really. But i choose not to open up old wounds Forth" he said while his tears flow from his eyes.

Forth just look at him and Beam continues "My main concern now is Benjamin. He's all that matters to me, i will give you the chance your asking to be a father to him, but please don't hurt him, don't give him false hope that he can have you whole" Beam said

Forth holds Beams hand.. "I promise Beam, i will give myself to Benjamin whole heartedly"

"Don't make promises Forth. Promises are meant to be broken"

Forth caress Beams cheeks and wipe his tears with his right tumb. "I will keep my promises this time Beam" he said.

Forth hug Beam.."Hope you can give me chance too Beam"

"Prove yourself Mr.Jaturapoom" and he smiles

Forth lift Beams chin with his thumb and kiss him again. Full of love and longing.

At the dining table

"Forth this is Sharp, Beams cousin" grandpa Bai said

Sharp scratch its not itchy nape.

"I know" Forth said

"Nice to see you boss" Sharp said. Beam is blushing again.

Forth just smile and look at blushing Beam.

They eat happily their dinner. Actually Forth investigate Sharp and he knows the details, he is Beam second cousin and Sharp is working at his engineering firm. Technically, he is Forths employee. Last night,Forth calls Sharp to meet him early in the morning, by then they meet each other and discuss about the event and most specially they talk about Beam and Benjamin.

It's already 9pm when Forth decided to leave. He waits until Benjamin fall asleep before he go. At the gate.

"Take care Forth" Beam said

Instead of answering, Forth holds Beams hand and put it in his chest,just above his heart..

"I love you Beam" he said "allow me to love you again, i will do anything to win you back" and then he brings those hands in his lips and kiss it.

Beam says nothing, he just stare at Forth. Then Forth caress his right cheeks. "I'll be back Beam, wait for me. I'll be back at Bangkok tomorrow to arrange some things, i will be back on tuesday for Benjamins birthday.,," he said

Beam just nods. Then he allow again Forth to kiss him. And bid his good bye. He don't know, but he feels something strange. But he shrug at that thoughts

Later that night Phana and Kit calls Beam,and he tells to his friend what happened for the past two days. Phana is happy for Beam, but Kit is not. He don't know but Kit warns him again that do not trust Forth fully again.

It's tuesday, Benjamins birthday. But still no calls from Forth or even text message. All beams family and his friend and some co workers are with them celebrating Beam sons birthday. "Maybe he's busy now, it's too early to assume things" Beam console to his self.

It's  already 2pm, time for blowing candles for Benjamins cake. But still no Forth. Benjamin approach Beam and said. "Mama, lets blow my candle. Like we use to do" and he smiles dearly to his mama. Beam hugs his son just to hide his tears from Benjamins.

They blow the candle and sings happily. Beam smiles to all the visitors, but his families and close friends that he is hurting inside. Just like Benjamin, he is hurt also. But he is a strong kid just like his mama. And he thinks maybe his father has a valid reason for nit coming. Just don't assume things.

The party ended, all the visitors are gone. Beams family did not say any words, they just observing Beam. It'already 12 in the midnight. Still, Beam is in the balcony, waiting for nothing. Then Phana and Kit join him. They are not talking, they just sit there and be with Beam.

Then suddenly Beam burst in  to crying.. "Why Forth...why?" He mumbles to his self. Phana and Kit just hug him. They don't know what to say to ease Beams pain.

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