chapter 12: lets talk

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After they reach Beams house, Forth unloaded all the shopping and grocery bag and give it to their maid. Then he go to the passenger sit and carry the sleeping Benjamin.

"Let me carry him inside" Beam said to Forth gesturing to get Benjamin

"No Beam..let me take him in" Forth said "and also,i want to meet your grandparents too.." he continues.

"Are you sure"


"Ok lets come inside"

At the house entrance. The maid open the front door. Forth sees Beam grandparents sit on the living room having their tea. Beam approach them and kiss them.

"We're home grandpa" he said

Grandpa Bai just nods and stares to the man who is standing behind Beam and carrying Benjamin. Beam sees that and he introduce Forth to the two

"Grandma, grandpa this is Mr. Jaturapoom... Forth Jaturapoom, Benjamins father" he introduce

"Swadee kah" Forth said and give the proper wai to the elders

"Swadee" Beams grandparents said

"Finally we met you Mr. Jaturapoom" said grandpa Bai with stern voice. Forth looks at him, he has a lot of similarity to Beam from his round dough brown eyes to his fair and pale skin.

"Nice to meet you too Mr. And Mrs. Vongphipan" forth said, grandma Loli just smile. Beam is quiet, staring at the three. When suddenly grandpa Bai speaks.

"It's grandpa Bai,  Forth. You can call me grandpa" he said to Forth

Forth smile widely showing his gummy smile. "Thank you grandpa Bai" grandpa just nods

"Ok, why don' t you bring Benjamin first on their room and come down here so that we can talk properly."

" Ok grandpa, excuse as for awhile" Beam said and he leads Forth to their room.

Upon entering the room, Forth lay down Benjamin on the bed and tucked him in with the duvet while Beam walk to the closet to get some clothes to change. The side table caught Forths attention, he see over there a two picture frame, one is Benjamins picture and the other one is the familiar brown picture frame, its the picture of him and Beam taken when they were in college.

 The side table caught Forths attention, he see over there a two picture frame, one is Benjamins picture and the other one is the familiar brown picture frame, its the picture of him and Beam taken when they were in college

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Forth grabs the picture frame and stares to it and when Beam went out at the closet, he saw Forth. He immediately take the picture frame to Forth and put it down to the table with the front facing down.

"You still keep it" Forth said but Beam pretend not to hear.

"Let's go downstair, they are waiting for us" he said and turn his back to forth but Forth hold his arm to keep him stay.

"Lets talk" he said

Beam turn around to see Forth..

"There is nothing to talk about Forth."

"No Beam, we had a lot of things to talk about"

Beam just smirk and said "It's been 5 years Forth. What happened to us was already in the past. No need to bring it up again" he said and he removed Forths hand in his arm. "You are here only for Benjamin, i dont want to here anything from you. Just make my baby happy, thats what more important to me, nothing else" said Beam and turn around again towards the door but before he could open the knob Forth grab his arms again and swirl Beam facing him and pushing him at the door and lock it. Beam was taken aback by Forths gesture. His back now is touching the door, his arms are both in his side grabs by Forth to stay him in place. Forth leans his forehead to Beams, they are inch apart, the tip of their nose are touching. Forth close his eyes and talk. Beams smells his warm and sweet scented breath. He feels shivers down his spine. His eyes fixicated on Forths close eyes.

"I miss you Beam" Forth said still with close eyes. "Please give me another chance, i'm begging you" he continous and he open his eyes. Beams eyes got teary. He dont know what to do and what to react at Forths revelation. All he knows now is that he also misses the man infront of him.

Beam and Forths eyes meet, as if they are silently talking. Forth right hand grab Beams waist to make him more close to him and his left hand on his nape playing the hair behind his head.

Both Beams hand place on Forths chest, he could feel the fast heart beat of Forth.

Then Forth gaze shifted to Beams lips. "Oh god, how i miss those red kissable lips" Forth said to himself. Beams lips parted a bit, seems his ready to be kiss at anytime. How tempting it could be. Forth leans down ready to kiss Beam and Beam close his eyes. Then Forth lips touch Beams. Forth nibbles Beam lower lips. He kisses Beam  slow and passionately. His tounge play with the upper lips of Beam asking for entrance then Beam accept the invitation. He open his mouth to accept Forths. The slow and passionate kiss turns to aggressive and hungry kiss. Forths tounge is searching inside Beams mouth, touches every hook and crook of Beams mouth. "Uuhhmmmm" Beam produces a light moans and Forth swallows it. Beam moans urge Forth to deepen the kiss. He tightly grab Beams nape to deepen the kiss. Beam hold Forths shirt tightly. They are out of their conciousness at the time and then Benjamin spoke "Mama,i'm hungry" both of them startled on what they hear. Benjamin is  wide awake. They awkwardly stay away from each other and fix themselves. Beam can't look at Forths eyes,. He went to Benjamin and ask "What do you want to eat baby" he said while fixing his hair that covers his eyes.

" I want pancake mama"

"Ok sure baby, mama will cook it"

"I'll go with you mama, and Dada also is hungry, cause i saw him eating your lips mama." Benjamin said innocently. Beam blush, his cheeks turns to crimson red. Forth smirk.

"Oh mama, you are very red, do you have fever?" Ask Benjamin while touching Beams forehead. Forth smiles widely and said "Yes baby, mama has a fever, so is it ok if im the one who will cook pancakes for you?

"Ok" said Benjamin

"Ok lets go" he lift up Benjamin and then he said to Beam "stay here baby, we will bring you pancakes when where done cooking" and then he kiss Beams forehead.

Forth ask grandma Loli if it is ok if he use the kitchen because Benjamin wants to eat pancakes. And grandma Loli agrees and help Forth.

While they are preparing the pancakes, Grandma Loli ask "What is your plan to Beam and Benjamin?.

Forth looks at her and said.. " i will do everything grandma to win him again until we become a happy family, i know i've been so stupid to him and i regret that. hope Beam will forgive me grandma, also i will ask your forgiveness. I hurt him so much and i will do anything to pay for my sin just to be with him again grandma." Forth said and grandma Loli just smile and nods.

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