Prae and Pring tie up Beams hand. He was seated beside his son. He can see at his sons face that he is so scared. He keeps on crying. Beam felt helpless at the moment, he can't do anything for his son but he needs to be strong. At this moment he prays that Forth will find them. Benjamin hands was not tied up,so he embrace his mama. He lean on the crook of the neck of his mama and suddenly he bursted out.
"Mama, you wore it" he said whispeeing to his mamas ear.
"What do you mean my baby?"
"The tracker mama"
"Tracker what?" He ask confused
Benjamin did not speak, instead he touch Beams necklace. And Beam look also on his son hands.
"You mean this necklace that you gave to me has a tracker?" He ask amazed
"Yes mama, dada is the one who gave that to us. I have lost mine when that girl abduct me yesterday" Benjamin explained
Beam was shocked at the moment,he cant say anything. So it is true that Forth is protecting them.
"Dada will soon find us mama, dont worry" Benjamin said and smiles
Beam just nods..
Pring saw the interaction between Beam and Benjamin and his brows frown.
"What are you talking there?" He ask
"Nothing,.ahmm my son is hungry, do you have any food here?" Beam said
"Oh, im sorry i forget that slave also needs to eat." And he laughs like an insane person
"Wait there, ill get your food"
After a few minutes he returns with two plates of padthai. He place it infront of the two
"Here, eat"
"How can i eat if my hands are tied up" Beam said
Pring is thinking, he place his fingers under his chin.
"Ok, i'll release your hand but dont try to do something stupid or i will kill you in an instant"he said while pointing gun to Benjamin
"Yes i promise" Beam said
Pring release Beam hands. And he begin to feed Benjamin. While feeding his son Prae enters the room.
"Oh, the slaves are eating huh" she said
"Yes babe, they said their hungry" Pring said
Prae approach Beam and snatch the food on Beams hand and throw it at the otherside of the room.
"Slaves has no right to eat" he said and slap Beam. Because her nails are long and pointed Beams face has a scratch and bleeding. Benjamin cry again.
"Please don't hurt my mama" he said pleading to Prae
When Prae hears Benjamins pleading he also grabs the kid face and slap him. Because of the impact of the slap, Benjamins tiny body throws at the corner of the room. Beams was furius, he is angry. He immediately run to his son and when he place Benjamin at the secure area, he approach Prae and also slaps her.
"How dare you hurt my son, you bitch" slap
"You have no right the lay your filthy fingers on my sons body" slap
"You son of a bitch" slap
Prae is taken aback of Beams slap. She step backwards because of the impact. Pring just watch them grinning ear to ear like a lunatic. As if hes watching a live show.
Prae try to fight back at Beam,she also slap him. And they fight like a wrestler. Benjamin cries out loud.
"Mama, mama..huhuhuhu"
Meanwhile outside the building, Forth hears Benjamin is crying. He immediately went upstair Phana and Kit runs with him.
When they open the door, they see that Beam is being strangles by Prae, he lay down on the floor and Prae hold his neck choking him.
"Beam" Forth shouts and yanked Praes hand and he push him aside
Pring and Prae was shocked,. Forth lift up Beams lifeless body on the floor.
"Beam, wake up" Forth said
A few seconds Beam open his eyes and see Forth.
"Benjamin" he said and Forth look around the room and see Benjamin hold by Pring and pointing gun on his head.
"Shit" cursed Forth "Dont hurt him Pring, i swear i will kill you too" Forth said gritted his teeth
"You can't do that, your sons life is now in our hands" They both laugh evily
Forth give Beam to Phana and Kit anf he stands infront of the two.
"Prae, i was the one who wronged you, please take me instead of my son"
"Hmmm..really Forth?" She said.. "do you really think that i am that stupid, i will kill all of you, including you and Beam" she said "You all wronged me Forth, you choose that faggot instead of me, and the worst you had a son with him, but me, what happened to me, i became desperate of your attention, i always begs you to come back to me but you always rejects me" she continues
"But Prae, you are the one who betrayed me remember. You choose another man over me"
"Hahahaha..." Prae laughs "Its all your fault Forth, you know why i did that?" She said "I did that because i know that you loved Beam from the start, you just used me to forget your feelings to him"
Forth was speechless because what Prae said was true. He trully loves Beam from the start, since childhood.
"Yah your right, but when were together i never cheated on you, i already made uo myself that time that i will spend the rest of my life with you that i will learned to love you but you cheated on me Prae, you cheated. So that is not my fault"
Prae smirk.. and laughs again "Oh come on Forth, you'll never learn to love me, because your heart only belongs to Beam, and thats why i will kill all of you to get my revenge" she pointed the gun to Forth but Benjamin was fast enough.
He bites Praes hand hard, and she hissed on pain because of the bite. When Prae loosen the grip on Benjamin he quickly run to Forth.
"Dada" he said but Pring is fast, he fire the gun aiming at Benjamin but Forth is fast,he quickly grab Benjamin and covers him from the bullet. The bullet went through at Forths back. Beam saw all that and he scream. "FORTHHHH"
Forth was shot at the back covering his son, his body drop on the floor together with Benjamin, Beam runs to Forth crying..He embrace the two and caress Forths face.
During that time, Danielle together with Gulf men and the police force came. Police officer immediately fired a gun to Pring, Pring was shot at his chest and Prae was also shot on the shoulder.
Mew approach Forth and Beam
"Phi, Forth was shot lets bring him to the hospital" said Beam while crying
"Calm Beam, we will bring him at the hospital the ambulance is already outside."
Beam just nods.
Ambulance came and the rescuer, they take Forth to the hospital. Beam together with Benjamin is also in the ambulance.
"Forth love,please wake up, don't sleep." He said crying
Forth lift his right hand and wipes Beams tears, he cant speak at the moment but he smiles tenderly to Beam and he mouthed "i love you Beam"
Beam burst in to crying when he reads Forths lips. "I love you too Forth, please dont leave us, we need you" when Forth hears that, he slowly close his eyes. Beam check his pulse,he is still breathing and Beam prays Forth safety.

Another Chance
Fanfiction"I don't know what happen, but i think i am not happy anymore" - forth That's what forth told to beam when they last talk and seen each other 5 years ago, after what forth said to beam, he decided to leave forth and moved on. What will happen if the...