(A/N: play on the back ground. Move on by Bruno Mars)
Third person Pov
Time flies very fast.. after what happened on 5th birthday of Benjamin, Beam tries to put back everything into normal again, as if they did not met Forth. So did Benjamin,.
He never ask Beam about what happened, he was just there everytime for Beam. Cause he knows that his mama was hurt, really bad. Since that day, he never seen his mama cry, but for sure there was time he did. "Why dada...why you left us again" Benjamin ask to his self.
Christmas had also pass. But still no Forth.. no calls and no message from him..
At the hospital:
December 30. It is the time where in Forths charity event will happen. The hospital where Beam work is one of the beneficiary. Beam hopes that he will see Forth again, but only Lam and Park came., no Forth and Beam never dare to ask them about Forth.
During the event, Lam occassionaly glimpsed on Beams direction. He sees that Beam is not looking well, there is a dark circle in his beautiful dough brown eyes and he look paler than before. He wants to approach Beam but Park restrain him to do that. Because the two of them knows what really happen to Forth, and Forth ask them not tell to Beam the truth for his disappearance again....for now. Until he settled it by himself and ensures Beam and Benjamins safety.
December 13 when Forth bid his goodbye to Beam and telling him to wait for him. In his hotel room Forth receives a call from a private number. He hesitantly answer the phone. When he answer.."Hellow, who's this?"
"Hi sweety" voice from the other line
"Prae?" He said in annoyance
"Yes sweety, its me, how are you?"
"None of your business Prae."
"Oh, come on sweety. Its that how you greet me?"
"What do you want?"
"You know what i want Forth, from the start."
"Prae,look."said Forth " How many times do i have to tell you that i don't love you or neithe i did not love you from the start."
"No Forth, you are going to love me. You know my capabilities Forth."
"You are crazy".
"Yes Forth.. i am crazy... crazy for you" and she laughs.
Forth ended the call in annoyance.
And the he received a text message from Prae.
"I know where Beam is and your precious son😏"
Forth gritted his teeth in anger.
"Leave them alone Prae, if you do something to them i promise that i will kill you with my two hands"
"Oh i love that sweety...see you tomorrow😘"
Forth smash his cellphone on the wall and it crash into pieces. Park and Lam who are in the balcony hears it runs to Forth.
"What was that?" Lam ask
Forth eyes shows anger."it's Prae"
"Again?" Park hisses
"What did she wants this time?" Lam
"She wants to see me tomorrow or else she will do something to Beam and Benjamin."
"You know Forth, if you listened to me from the very beginning to not engaged yourself to that bitch, none of this things could happen" Lam sa8d to Forth and sit at the other side of the bed.
"I know Lam..and i regreted it."
"So...what is your plan?" - Park
"I will meet her tomorrow and settle everything about her but i have favor to ask to both of you"
"What is it?" -Lam
"You are going to stay here to monitor Beam and Benjamin., i will deploy a security personnel to keep them safe while i'm fixing Praes brain and arrange it in order again." Forth said
Park and Lam just nods.
***another flashback... 5 years ago...at Forths office while doing their internship and Beam brings food to Forth***
Beam hears everything Forths said. He heard that Forth have someone else and that the cue to run away to that place and then he bumped into Max.
"Is there someone else Forth?" Ask Lam
"I guess there is"forth said
"What about Beam?"Lam again.this time i feels like he wants to punch Forths face. Because Beam is also his friend.
Forth become silent for awhile
"I don't know" he shrugged his shoulder
"Forth..if you found someone else tell it to Beam..you know that its unfair for him.." Lam again
"Lam.. i love Beam... but i felt like we're drifting apart from each other"
"No Forth.. you are the one who drifted apart." This time Park speaks. "We all know that Beam loves you very much, he is willing todo everything just to make you happy and what did you do, you take him for granted, for what Forth? For some ephemeral happiness that your flings gave to you?" Parks long litany
Forth looks at Park.. and then Park continues "you know what Forth, Beam is one of a kind human being.
If you let go of him because of your daily one night stand, you'll regret it for sure"Then Max enters the room.
"Hey Forth, i collide with Beam at the hall way and he ask me to give it to you. Your lunch." Park and Lam looked at each other and then to Forth
"For how long did you see Beam Max?" Forth ask
"About 20 minutes i think" max said
And Forth runs outside the room to look for Beam but when he reach the parking lot, he saw Kit driving Beams car while Ming is in Kits car followed the two. "Shit" Forth murmurs to his self
"Did you see him" Park ask
"Yes,he's with Kit and Ming"
"Do you think he hears us"- Lam
"I hope not" -Forth
At home. Beam act as usual. He never confront Forth, he did not asked anything. He is there taking good care of me. I felt so confuse about my feelings thats why i make a plan to stay away from him for the meantime.. Friday afternoon i texted him telling him that i will go home for the weekend. And he agrees with that. But in reality, i was on Park and Lams condominium during that time.
Friday night. Forths together with his friends decided to go to the bar for some booze.. and then Prae is there. Forths ex-girlfriend in high school who leaves Forth for someone else. She is the current fling of Forth now.
Prae joined Forths and his friends on table and started to flirt with Forth. She sit on Forths lap and encircling her arms to his neck and started kissing Forth. (That was the scene the Beam saw during that time)
Prae deepen the kiss so did Forth.. but while the kiss takes long, Forth suddenly envisions Beams kisses.. it was totally different to what Prae was doing. It is passionate and full of love. He also envisions Beam smiles and his beautiful brown dough eyes.
Forth return to his senses and push Prae to make Prae fall in the couch.
"Hey, whats your problem" she said in annoyance
"I'm sorry Prae but i can't do these" Forth said and he stands up leaving Prae behind." And Prae gritted her teeth.

Another Chance
Fanfiction"I don't know what happen, but i think i am not happy anymore" - forth That's what forth told to beam when they last talk and seen each other 5 years ago, after what forth said to beam, he decided to leave forth and moved on. What will happen if the...