27. Run run as fast as you can

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I find the front door seconds later and bolt out of it not even hesitating to look and see if James is following me, I don't know if I want him to at this point.

He doesn't need this.

He deserves better than me and what will come if he stays with me.

She is evil and cruel and who knows what she will do once she finds out I have been alive this whole time.

She told them to kill me, she didn't know they kept me for their pleasure.

I keep running and I make it half way across the huge front lawn and collapse in tears and trying to breathe. I see the familiar black dots in my vision and I can hear someone come running out the front door.

"Grace! Stop! Grace what are you doing?!" I hear James as he rushes over to my side. I still can't breathe and I know any second now I am going to pass out.

James grabs my in his arms sitting on the ground with me and I whisper right before I pass out,

"Don't let her get me" and then all I see is black.


When I start to wake up all I can notice is the murmurs around me. I can feel myself on a bed but my eyes feel so heavy right now so I just lay still and try to hear whose around me.

"I don't know James, but when she wakes up you can ask her. She never mentioned anything to me about any other packs" I think I hear Hazel talking and whispering. James mutter a response I can't hear so I focus more on trying to open my eyes. I crack them open to see a bright light coming from the window and I groan and close my eyes again. What the hell happened to me?

"Grace? Angel are you okay?" I hear the blinds being shut as I feel someone grab my hand and the spark shooting up my arm tell me it's James.

"Grace, baby, open your eyes please," I open my eyes and seconds later I am staring into James chocolate orbs looking down at me. He helps me sit up and then hands me a glass of water, which i smile thankfully and drink the whole glass; I look and see Hazel and standing at the end of the bed staring at me cautiously, why is she in James' room?

I am so confused. I think about the last thing I can remember and I remember waking up this morning and getting dressed then meeting James' parent and his sister, HIS SISTER!

I begin to panic and look around. No, no, no she will find me, no no no.

"Hey hey Gracee look at me, look at me Grace!" JAmes says sternly while ligtly grabbing my chin, "Nothing and nobody are going to get you, you are safe with me," he pauses and glances at Hazel, "Grace we need to know why you freaked out when you heard about Dante, do you know him? Is he the one that hurt you?" I quickly shake my head. He didn't hurt me, but he knows the person that did.

"Grace could you tell us about what happened downstairs?" Hazel quietly asks. I look up at her as a tear rolls down my cheek. I can't tell them. I can't involve them. They will get hurt.

"Grace nobody will hurt us I promise you" James says, I look over are him questioningly, "Grace I can hear your thoughts, not your memories or else I would know by now, but just your thoughts, it happened because I marked you" he said quietly. He never told me that part!

I think he can feel my panic and anger because he quickly grabs my hand, "I know baby I should have told you but I couldn't, if you knew you would have never let me mark you," Hell yeah! He doesn't need to be in my head all the time!

"Please Grace, just tell me, I can help you with whatever it is," he pleads quietly. Well if he caan read my damn mind might as well put it to use then. No way am I talking and explaining all of this.

So I just think about it.

I remember when I was 4 and I had bruises from her pinching me. I remember when I was 7 and she slapped me for the first time. All her words towards me as a child saying how I didn't deserve to be daughter of the alpha and I shouldn't get to inherit the title. I remember the night of my eighth birthday and her saying there was an extra surprise for me, only to be taken away by four men, whom I later knew as Hunter, Cameron, Kyle and Evan, the four rouges who took me promising they would bring me back to my parents after we went on a walk. Only for them never to return with me.

"Your aunt did this?" he gasps.

'Yes. Silver crescent pack was my old pack. I have had ten years to think over why she hated me, and I still don't know what I did to her. Dante was my cousin. My sister, Adeline, Dante and I were best friends from the time Adeline could walk. It was Dante and I before but once she could walk and talk we accepted her and we were the perfect trio. We were more siblings than cousins. We did everything together, which Gave my Aunt Molly more than enough time to be mean to me without anybody knowing. She would say we tripped while playing or we were horsing around if my parents ever asked about the bruises. They believed her too.' I explained all of this through our link and I could hear a slow growl coming from his chest.

"And Dante never did anything to stop this?! He let her do this to you?! He got the Alpha title out of it, of course he didn't stop her" he is muttering to himself by the end and pacing at the end of the bed.

"No James he didn't know! He always believed his aunt too, he was ten when I was taken, there was no way for him to know. Molly may have been cruel but she wasn't stupid. Dante and I were closer than her and him and it must have killed her to see her son like me more than her. She wouldn't have told him because she knows he would have told my parents as soon as he found out" I said quickly before he could go anywhere. Hazel only hearing my last outburst probably put the pieces together and realized Molly was the reason I went missing.

"Grace I don't understand if she wanted you gone so bad why didn't she just have them kill you? Why would they keep you for so long?" Hazel asks. James growls at her for even suggesting my death but I ignore it

"I don't know," I murmur quietly, "there were so many times I wished they would, but they always told me how fun I was and how they were glad they decided to keep me alive instead. I think she told them to kill me but they wanted to keep me for themselves so they locked me up and kept me" Silent tears are rushing down my face at the memories of being in that house. James rushes to my side quickly,

"Don't you ever say you want to die again, do you hear me?! I will never let anyone harm you again. Nobody is going to harm a hair on your head, ever again" he growls and then pulls me into a tight hug. He moves to sit on the bed and when he pulls me over to him I sit on his lap and rest my head on his chest.

"I am going to be downstairs, I won't say anything until you are ready I promise" I hear Hazel, I can hear in her voice that she is crying and she quickly rushes from the room and I hear the door quietly shut.

James is rubbing my back while I just listen to his heartbeat. It's so relaxing, I wish I could stay here all day long and never face the outside world again. But I know I will have to sooner or later.

But for now I just enjoy the peace and safety that James' arms provide.

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**if anybody is good at making covers for these types of books that would be awesome! I have no idea how to do ANY of that kind of editing or anything that artistic, just message me or something, it will be much appreciated and I will dedicate one of the chapters to you! (: **

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