29. The Truth

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*they will be talking about Graces past when she was taken, not in a lot of detail but just a warning to those who don't like that stuff*

"When I found Grace it was two or three weeks ago in the woods. She was beaten up, very malnourished, and badly hurt. She was very scared at first and it took sometime for her to open as much as she has so far," he glances at me then back to Dante, "you need to understand before I tell you what happened, that if you think at any point you will lose your temper or anything, you need to walk out of the room. Grace still gets scared fairly easily and I don't need you snapping and having her caught in the crossfire of your wolf" he stares Dante down until Dante finally nods his head,

"I will keep as calm as I can, I promise I would never do anything to hurt Gray" he looks at me and I give him a small smile.

"Okay good, so I'll just start at the beginning I guess," he sighs loudly and I squeeze his hand for encouragement "Grace was taken by rouges, I'm sure you guessed as much, She as kept in a small five by five cell and had been there for the past ten years. Th-they beat her constantly and tortured her for years. Sh was cut and beat when she didn't listen and she has the scars to prove it" he growled slightly and I could see his eyes turning black. Quickly I intertwined my fingers with his and was rubbing his arm with my free hand, leaning into him trying to calm him down.

He looked down and tried to give me a small smile, which looked more like a grimace, then he continued, "she wasn't allowed more than one or two meals a week and for a human she would have died, but since she is a werewolf she made it. But the down side to her wolf working so hard was that is she couldn't shift until the night she got away. I still don't know how she did it, we haven't talked about it, but she got away. She cant talk to her wolf like the rest of us can, she doesn't have a wolf helping her or talking to her like the rest of us. I talked to my wolf about this" he peers down and me and I look confused, he never told me about this...

"He can feel her wolf, she is there, but she is dormant, she won't talk or come out besides when Grace shifts and they still can't communicate then. I don't know if she will ever have her wolf and we haven't had her shift so I don't know how hard that will be for her or how it will work. But what I do know is what they did to her while she was there was so bad that her wolf is hiding. It doesn't want to face anything and it's just dormant in the back of her mind."

I never even thought about my wolf. I never knew you could talk to them, I just thought they were there.

"Grace also has little knowledge so she isn't completely familiar with everything about being a werewolf but we are slowly catching her up to speed" James looks and my and kisses the top of my head moving so that his arm is around my waist instead.

"When you say they hurt and tortured her, what did they do" Dante says while gritting his teeth looking down.

James looks at me hesitantly and I nod my head. Might as well get it all out now.

"They beat her, cut her, they constantly taunted her, th-they..uh..they raped her" he says the last part and his voice breaks and I see tears in his eyes as they turn black. He is slightly shaking and I lean my head on his shoulder; when I look back up at Dante, he is shaking and you can feel the anger rolling off of him in waves. I get nervous and James follows my gaze.

When Dante looks up his eyes are pitch black and I become terrified.

"I should have been there!" He stands up quickly and starts pacing right in front of the couch. Aria is leaning back with her hands over her stomach. If he losses it, she will be right in his line of fire.

"Dante please calm down, baby she is right here, she is alive, just breathe baby" she tries soothing him but he seems to not here her. I start panicking, if his mate can't calm him down what can the rest of us do?

"Dante you either need to calm down or take it outside. If you shift you will hurt Aria and your baby, you don't want that" Hazel's soothing voice tries reasoning and at that he looks at Aria shaking on the couch before storming out the front door.

I didn't realize I was shaking until James lifts me into his lap.

"Grace look at me, Grace are you okay?" I slowly shake nod my head and just lean in so my face is pressed against his chest. It's at times like this where I love how much bigger he is then me.

He just rests his chin on the top of my head and rubs my back while telling me everything is going to be okay. A minute later I look up to see Aria slightly upset with James' parents trying to soothe her. She must be upset to see Dante so distraught. If it were James I know I would be.

I walk over to her and squat in front of her "are you okay?" I ask quietly.

She laughs, even though you can tell its forced

"I hear about what you have been through the past ten years and you ask if I am okay? Shouldn't I be asking you?" she takes a deep breathe, "I can't believe everything that happened. Dante talked about you, you know. He said he had a cousin, that he loved, though he told me he was positive you were dead I always wondered if you were out there somewhere" she takes a second and looks at her hands, "don't take that the wrong way, I just think it was easier for them to believe that you were dead, than out there suffering somewhere alone and unhappy"

She looks up at me and I nod my head.

"I don't blame them, I never wanted them wasting their lives looking for me, I was gone, and to be honest I thought they stop after a month or so. How long ago did you guys meet?" I ask. I have moved from kneeling to sitting crossed legged on the floor in front of her, with William and Isabella looking at me like I have three heads.

Probably surprised I am engaging in conversation. Although it is taking a lot of effort for me to speak right now, but I know Aria needs the distraction.

She chuckles slightly before she starts talking.

"Well I was traveling with James actually. This was two years ago and I was tired of being home. It was summer break and I didn't want to hang around the pack house so for two weeks me and James went traveling around the US, one of the last stops on the way home was to visit the Silver Crescent pack. We had heard that the Alpha's nephew had taken over and since we had an existing treaty, James wanted to talk to Dante in person. So when we got there I smelled the most delicious smell ever. I walked into the house not even waiting for James, and that's when I ran into Dante, who also seemed to be walking around confused. We realized we were mates' she glanced at James, "at first James was very against it, I was sixteen and still in high school and he didn't want me to leave, he knew he would miss me'" she teased.

"You were younger! You are my baby sister, I wanted you to wait until you were 18!" James practically yells.

"James that means I wouldn't have been there until about three months ago, I would have had to wait two years! That's ridiculous" she rolls her eyes and then looks at me, "he insisted I go home and talk to our parents because it wasn't his decision to make. When we got home the next day I talked to my parents and Dante had ended up following us anyways. I talked to my parents and they said it was fine as long as I graduated high school. So I moved in the next weekend and went to school with all of his friends and pack mates there and we have been together ever since" she ended smiling.

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