1. Getting away

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For an infinite amount of time, it felt like all I could do was run. One foot in front of the other and just keep pushing. I knew eventually my body would give out, but the second I stopped I knew I would be in trouble. Not the kind of trouble that would be be manageable, but the kind of trouble that would get me killed.

And at this point in my life I didn't know if that excited me or terrified me.

The pain along my leg had gone numb a long time ago but I was just now starting to feel the blood loss and fatigue hit me. I sat down next to a tree to take a break and just thought about my life.

There is no specific age when the violence and the terrors of the world begin. It can take over your life at any moment. I am a perfect example of this. 

I was eight when I was taken. There was an attack in the middle of the night and nobody saw it coming. We were at peace with all of out allies.

In the werewolf community, it is always important to have allies. A pack can be very large, but they can't defend themselves from everything.

Since I was so young, I had never shifted before. Meaning I could not defend myself against any of the shifted wolves around me. My captors had kept injecting me with wolfs bane so that I had not shifted before today.

Ten years later I had managed to get away.

Ever since they took me they tortured me and kept me as their play thing for years now. I was supposed to cook for them and entertain them whenever they wanted. 

But most of them were dead now, all except for their leader.

Realizing I can in no way go any farther and I am not healing quick enough I accept my death. It is almost peaceful to think that after my life of torture I can finally die peacefully. I lay down still in wolf form and curl up into a ball waiting to die or heal.

About a half an hour later I hear something walking in the woods. I stand up on all four legs and look around me. Suddenly a huge brown wolf with a blond tipped tail is staring back at me looking fully prepared to kill me.

The wolf starts growling and out of instinct I crouch into a defensive position. He walks back and forth and after finally deciding I am not going to attack him, he shifts back into his human form.

"Shift" the guy says. I just lay down fully on my stomach. His strong voice scares me a bit and I want to shift back but that is difficult because I don't really know how. 

When I shifted into a wolf it was not on purpose and I don't really know how it happened. 

"SHIFT!" He says louder. I whine out loud and put my head down. When he sees this he squints and squats down.

"I have you ever shifted before?" I shake my huge head no and he sighs. 

"Just think about yourself in human form and picture yourself like that."

I do what he says picturing my long brown hair down to my waist, my petite 5 foot tall figure with my bright green eyes. Seconds later I feel my bones morphing for the second time that day. After I shifted I lay on the ground naked in a ball. Now back in my human form I can see I have a huge gash from my upper thigh on my left leg all the way down to my ankle.

A few seconds later I hear the big guy in front of me start to talk.

This is my first werewolf book just give it a chance please!
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