24. Yes

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"Would that be okay? We don't have to do anything else but I need the pack to know you are mine and off limits and this will keep you safe from them. They wouldn't dare hurt you after that, I mean not that they would anyways but just to be safe. They are actually all very nice and are looking forward to finally meeting you" he just stares at me while I take this in.

Do I want him to mark me? That's a permanent thing.

I would love to spend the rest of my life with James, he is the perfect man, but does he really want to spend his life stuck with me?

Is he only doing this for my protection?

"Grace what's going on? What are you thinking?" I shrug my shoulders and just stare at him.

"Don't do this because of my safety" I whisper. But I know he heard me.

"Baby no! That's not what I meant, I really do want to, I have since I met you but I didn't want to upset you or try anything until you were ready or you brought it up. But seeing as the pack is very big I was just thinking it would make you feel better. I'm sorry baby I didn't mean it like that. I would love to mark you, show the world that you are my girlfriend, but I didn't know how you felt about it and that's why I'm asking now" I just stare at him.

Did he just call me his girlfriend?!

He wants me to be his girlfriend?...

"I-I m-mean, I-I didn't mean girlfriend, u-unless thats what you want, it's totally up to you!" he rushes the end out while I just stare at him. After all this and he still wants to be with me? I'm so relieved I want to cry. But I have cried way too much do instead of answering him I just push my hair behind my shoulders and stare at him until he realizes.

"R-Really? Grace are you sure this is what you want? I don't want to force you" I nod my head and lean until I am a couple inches away. I can feel his breath on my lips and I wait to see if he will kiss me.

A second later I feel his lips on mine until they start moving at a slow pace together. He licks my bottom lip and I eagerly open my mouth while our tongues move in sync with each other. I move my hands to wrap them around his neck and tangle my hands in his hair. I feel his arms tighten around my waist and I scoot even closer to him on his lap.

Thats what I glide right over his...manhood and I hear him groan in the back of his throat. At this I gasp and pull away for a second. But James doesn't stop and I can feel him placing small kisses down my neck and along my right shoulder and then I start moaning a little with him.

He soon reach my sweet spot right at the corner between my shoulder and neck meet and at this I whimper and pull on his hair a little gaining a little moan from him. He begins to suck hard on that spot making it feel so much more intense and my grip on him tightens once again.

"Baby are you sure about this?" he says kissing over that one spot. I nod my head quickly and a second later I feel his teeth graze over my neck and he kisses me one more time before I feel the sharp pain of his teeth sinking into my neck.

He holds on tight around my body to keep me from moving and in another split second the pain turns into immense pleasure. Pleasure I didn't even know was possible. I have never felt this before.

I grab into his hair again as he pulls out his canines and licks over the spot, making a shiver run through me again. He kisses his way back up to my mouth and we make out for another couple of minutes before he pulls back and stares at me while tucking my hair behind my ear.

"You okay princess?" he asks. I nod my head yes and I feel my eyes start to get droopy and heavy.

"Let's lay down for a bit before dinner" I just nod my head and when he leans back on the bed, he pulls me with him so I lay on top while still straddling him.

"Sweet dreams princess" he murmurs while kissing the top of my hair. I hear the blankets moving around he covers us before I slowly start to fall asleep.

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