17. Height Difference

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The weekend passes uneventfully. James and I now both sleep in the bed ever night, with me tucked under his arm feeling safe and secure. I see Hazel and Callie a couple times but it isn't until Monday that I see the rest of the girls. We made a plan to go shopping tomorrow, Wednesday, since I have to go and see Doctor Richards about my leg and foot again today

The stitches should be falling out soon but my foot is still sore to bear any weight. I can sort of hop around and if I walk on my toes it isn't too bad. James still gets upset when he sees me trying to walk. He says I should be resting and not hurting myself more.

"Okay angel I just need to grab you a coat and then we can go" James has been hovering over every little thing. It's nice to see but ridiculous. I learned it is October from Hazel, which means its only fall and it shouldn't even be getting really cold until the end of November.

But I would like to see someone convince James of that.

James walks over to his closet and grabs one of his massive sweatshirts, puts it on me and we are out the door minutes later. The walk over is peaceful and I look around and notice all of the children playing outside. It's easy to spot the mothers because they are all in a group hovering watching the little kids carefully.

I smile as I watch them all from a distance.

When I look back up I see James looking down at me smiling.

"Maybe you can meet some more of the pack next week" he says "if you want to that is" he adds when he sees me start to panic. I shrug my shoulders still slightly scared of meeting his pack. There are so many people in it I don't think I can handle that..

Not to mention James said he had to mark me before I meet the rest of them... oh no

Minutes later we are walking into the doctors office and he is leading us to a room.

After looking at my foot and thigh he says the injures below are almost completely healed but they will be sore to walk on still. He give me this special boot that I can put air into and he says it will help disperse the weight on my foot so it won't hurt as much.

He put the boot on me, give me the pump to pump up the sides and has me walk around the room a bit.

"How does that feel?" I just put a thumb up. My foot hurts a little but not nearly as much as before.

"Okay good now I want to be seeing you about every couple off weeks for normal check ups. I don't know how much you andAlpha James have talked about this but you need to be gaining weight. You have gain about 3 pounds in the week you have been which is good. I know its hard to eat a lot because your body still needs to adjust but I need you to be eating all 3 meals a day. Can you do that for me?" I nod and he smiles

"Thank you Richard we will see you in a couple weeks" James says. He leads me outside and we slowly make our way back to the house. I don't let James carry me because I want to walk with this boot, I haven't been able to walk for the past week.


Once we get to the house we walk to the kitchen to get some lunch. I notice not a lot of people are in the house for a bunch of teenagers to be living here. When James looks over and sees me confused he starts to speak.

"I told everyone to stay in the lounges and games rooms upstairs and to stay clear of the hallways unless they need something. I didn't want any of them scaring you now that you are more comfortable around us." he admits looking down.

I nod my head and interlace my finger with his while grabbing his hand. Sometimes I forget how big he is until I stand next to him. I look down and you can barely even see my hand when it is surrounded by his. I look up at his face and I really have to tilt my head back to looks up at him. Then I realize I don't even make it to his shoulder. I look up at his face again and pout.

I don't like being so small.

"Whats wrong angel?" again with another nickname. I just shake my head in response. Nothing he can do about it anyways.

He turns me to face him once we get to the doorway of the kitchen.

"What is it?" well now that I am facing him it is so much more obvious how small I am. He is looking down at me and my head just makes to about to his chest. I life my hand up and place it at my height then I reach up my other hand to his height, although I can barely reach his forehead and I hold then both out so I am comparing our heights. Once he understands its like i lightbulb went off behind his eyes.

"Angel I love your height. You are small and it makes me feel like I can protect you. I like it and its not a big deal to me anyways. You could be taller than me for all I care as long as I have you." I look down at all of my now fading bruises and cuts that I still have and frown again. How can he like me? I'm so ugly.

"Grace," he lifts my chin so my eyes meet his, "they don't matter, thats apart of your past. It shows me how strong you are to have endured what you did. Don't worry about it and if anybody has a problem with it they can talk to me and I'll be sure to straighten them out." I hear a noise that has me gripping onto James shirt and hiding behind him.

"Awh!" I turn around at the sudden high pitched squeals. I see Rose, Emma, Cassidy and Brittany sitting at the table with Hazel in the kitchen with Callie making her lunch. My heart beat is going a mile a minute. I didn't even see them in here!

"Princess it's alright its just the girls," he pulls me out from behind him and continues talking,"it's actually a good thing you girls are here" he looks back down at me "would you mind hanging out with them for the afternoon? I have some more work that I have to catch up on. I'll come back around dinner time okay?" I nod my head and he kisses my forehead before walking off to his office.

I turn around and I see 6 pairs of eye looking at me smiling.

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