19. Shopping

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The next day the girls and I head out right after breakfast to start our shopping. James gave me his credit card and told me to buy whatever I need and not to worry about the cost. But there is no way I am spending all of his money.

I'll buy an outfit or two.

With that we head off to the local mall and start our shopping.


Three hours and many bags later we are all exhausted. Thank god we have guards with us carrying the bags.

James and Dave insisted we take at least one guard for each of us and then they added two extra. I was introduced to them this morning at dinner and James made it clear to each of them not to come close to me or touch me unless I am in danger. I looked at him gratefully because there were a lot of guys that I couldn't handle.

While shopping the girls made sure I was encircled by them so nobody walking through the mall came too close and the guards kept their distance. only three would come in each store and they would only come near me to grab my bags to carry them for me.

They kept mostly to themselves and quiet so they weren't too scary.

"Rose we need to stop and eat lunch or I'm gonna fall over!" Hazel exclaims. Rose is the shopaholic, I have learned and wants to keep going but the rest of us are exhausted.

"One last store before lunch and then we can go" I look up and see we are in front of a store that says Victorias Secret. Exactly like all of the other stores, I have never heard of this one before and I wonder whats here that we couldn't have found anywhere else.

I look into the store we are walking into and realize there are undies and bras everywhere!

Oh no!

I make a move to turn around and walk out when Brittany grabs my arm.

"No way Grace. You need some of this stuff. And don't you want to get a couple cute things for James?" she says with a wink. I blush at that. Would James even want to see me in this?

We shop around in here and I have many lace underwear and the girls even make me buy a couple thongs even though I have never worn one and that looks completely...uncomfortable, and we head to a different section that looks more...scandalous.

"Grace you need at least two matching sets of these and then we can leave" says Hazel. I nod my head and look over some racks as the girls help me look.

"Oooh Grace what about this one?!" Cassidy comes over holding up a bra that has some shear material down the front that makes it look like a tank top but clearly you can see right through it along with a matching thong. Oh my gosh those things are going to be the death of me.

I just nod my head knowing the faster I get them the faster we can get out of this store. Emma comes over holding one similar to it but its black and pink and it looks like it has straps that go down and attach to...socks? that can be right. Who would wear this under clothes?

Hazel looks at me and explains that these are outfits for our more..intimate times. I blush beet red and shake my head no but the girls insist I get these and I just give in knowing I am going to lose this argument. Hazel explains the straps everywhere and I nod my head and we proceed to the check out and leave the store.

When we get out we see all of the guards standing around the entrance looking very nervous. One guy takes my bag from me and we head to the food court.


After eating we shop around for another hour or two before we head back home. The girls convince me to get some jewelry and necklaces and I agree to save time.

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