oblivious- Stucky

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one shot :D

buckys pov: 

I've been living with the avengers for 6 months, its been a crazy journey. everyone is starting to trust me more now, they even come to me for advice. it took a while for me to settle in to life as an avenger; honestly i kind of felt like i didn't belong at first. its hard going from being seen as a deadly weapon to being seen as an actual human being, but now after 6 months im finally starting to make progress. i stick to my daily routine and i try my hardest to make everyone proud.

i always eat breakfast with Wanda, she's nice; she never makes me feel like i don't belong here. we talk a lot about our time struggling to adjust to life as an avenger, she actually hasn't been here that long either. we also talk about our time at hydra, its nice to be able to share my pain with somebody and have them relate. she tells me stories about her time as a child growing up with Pietro and how he's always been a trouble maker. she enjoys listening to my stories about tiny Steve and how much trouble i got him out of. she's a nice person to speak to.

after breakfast i head down to training which is usually with Natasha and Steve. it was hard to gain Natasha's trust but now she's like an actual friend to me. when we train she sometimes talks about her previous missions with shield. she never talks about her past with the red room, although i don't exactly blame her. the only missions she talks about are her ones with shield, they're far less graphic and have more comedic aspects to them. i can tell she's still haunted by her past but I've also noticed she seeks Wanda out in the middle of the night (probably after a nightmare), so i hope she finds some comfort in that. she's very dedicated to the team and really cares about every person on it. i think i like Natasha the most though because after especially hard training sessions she will allow me to have the rest of the day off. 

after training i sometimes hang out with Sam and Pietro, they're a handful but i like them anyway. they spend most of their time arguing over stupid things like who's the better hero. Pietro argues its him because of the time he risked his life to save Clint and a child. Sam argues its himself because he can fly and he looks cooler. they're both dumb but somehow i still always end up having fun with them. we play a lot of pranks on people together, one of my favourites being one we did on Clint. we filled the vents up with glue and feathers. he loves the vents and was not happy to come out of them looking like a bird. Pietro's argument was "what you didn't see that coming?" whilst sams was "if you didn't want to be a bird you shouldn't have picked the name Hawkeye". 

i spend a lot of time with the others too. i have an ongoing meme war with peter on our text message thingy. we have family game nights and movie nights to try and all spend as much time together as possible. its nice because its a great chance to relax considering the job we have. 

my favourite person to spend time with though is Steve. whenever he doesn't train me he always seeks me out to make sure im ok and if there's anything i need. but there is a slight problem, he makes me feel things. i know its horrible and wrong to catch feelings for your best friend but somehow i did it anyway. it took me a while to come around to the whole idea of me being into guys. I've never thought it was wrong but i also never expected it to be me either. Wanda was actually a big help with the whole experience as she herself is also into both girls and guys. i remember the first time i opened up to her about what Steve was making me feel. she was the one who made me realise i was in love with him. i obviously didn't believe her because it was such a strange feeling to me, but after Natasha confirmed that this was what i was feeling i was doomed.

so that brings me to where we are now, I've just finished up training with Natasha- we mostly focused on defence techniques today. i walked back to my room to take a much deserved shower, but just as i was about to turn the corner to my room i bumped into someone.

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