what dating them would look like

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he would spend all of his money making you happy. 

youd have to put up with all of his random party throwing.

he will forever remind you about that one time he saved new york from aliens.

he's a secret softie and enjoys to cuddle.

its hard to tear him away from his robots.


you have to introduce him to all your favourite movies and songs.

he likes to go dancing.

he cooks you breakfast in the morning whilst singing along to his old records.

he brings you back gifts from places he visits on missions.


she prefers to hang out in your room/house.

likes having a private relationship.

once threw a bottle at tony's head because he complimented you.

you both annoy clint as much as you can, pulling pranks on him together. her favourite being that one time you filled the vents up with shaving cream and feathers.


he teaches you archery.

he likes to spoil you at christmas because it's his favourite holiday.

you force him to watch the hunger games because he's a katniss everdeen wannabe.

he cried when he found out you learned sign-language just for him.


you do experiments in the lab together.

you're the only one who can calm him down when he's the hulk.

you met through one of tony's partys.

he gets jealous when you spend more time with the others than him.


he introduces you to his friends/family as 'y/n son/daughter of y/l/n'.

he takes you on dates off world.

once got in a fight with loki because he flirted with you.

keeps mjolnir in the most annoying places and uses it as a doorstop when you need privacy.


calls you darling.

go on double dates with steve.

takes you dancing.

you help calm him down after nightmares.

you're the only person he's comfortable to take his arm off around.


you both want to rule earth together.

you prank thor together.

he likes to cuddle.

he calls you 'lady/sir y/n' because he knows you secretly love it.


you play on the boat with his family and bucky.

he lets you fly redwing.

takes you on flights to see newyork better.

you call him samantha whenever his sassy personality comes out.


you watch sitcoms together.

she opens up to you about pietro.

she uses her magic to express feelings.

she reads your mind when you're asleep to make sure you have good dreams.

you got together during training when she accidently slipped into your mind and saw that you thought she was beautiful.


she never comes through the door, she enters through windows only because "it's so cool".

she cooks you mac and cheese whenever you're sad.

she gets very jealous easily.

natasha helps make fun of her with you.

when you met her parents they showed you a baby picture of her with her bum out and she hasnt forgiven them yet.


you take lucky on walks together.

she blushes whenever you compliment her.

you got together when clint 'accidently' outed her feelings for you.

jack approves of you.

you visit her mom in prison to ask permission to marry kate.

she teaches you archery.


you swing around new york together.

happy drives you around on your dates.

tony tells you embarassing stories about him.

ned and mj hang out with you a lot.

you punched flash for calling him 'penis parker' after graduation.

sorry if i missed anyone you wanted to see.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2022 ⏰

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