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Three Months Later........

I stared at Williams smirk and tried my very hardest to not roll my eyes. Lets just say that this little business meeting that we were having was not going the way I wanted. He wanted out but the price he was asking for was a bit too high for my liking. I knew he was a stupid man but I didn't realise he was that stupid. He should know by now that there was a line that you should never cross, when it came to dealing with me.

"It's not going to happen"

"Why not? I think what I'm asking for is reasonable"

"I don't believe that my hand in marriage was ever mentioned as a reasonable price to ask. Plus I'm already married to a business deal that I can't break for another three years"

"I'm sure I have the right price to break that little contract of yours"

Sighing, I pinched the bridge of my nose and looked at Zeke. I would kill to be anywhere else right now. Zeke was not wrong about this sleazeball, I motioned him with my eyes and he nodded.

"Please excuse us Mr. Williams. Let us have a chat to discuss your deal"

Williams humped but left the room. As soon as I thought he was out of ear shot, I threw my empty glass beside Zeke. But he didn't flinch, not making me feel any better.

"Can I kill him?"

"No, he knows too much"

"Shouldn't that be a reason to kill him?"

"Listen to yourself S. Not everything can be solved with blood on your hands"

"Maybe not in your world Zeke, but everything in my world is most definitely solved with blood on my hands. Can I at least threaten him a little?"

"I don't see a harm in that"

Five minutes late, Williams came back into the room. Zeke was right, I can't kill him. He may be a stupid son of a bitch, but he will be smart enough to have a back up plan, just in case he didn't return from this meeting alive. One day, I will kill just like I killed Peterson.

"Sorry Williams, I'm going to have to pass on your little deal. Even though I despise you as a business partner, I think I despise being your wife even more"

"You will regret not taking this deal you stupid wrench"

My nose flared, and I spiralled out of my seat, kicking him straight to the head. His men rushed forward but my men were quicker. The guns were out and no one moved. Williams swore, spitting out blood. He went to punch me back, but Zeke spotted his arm.

"You've done it now, you whore. I'll have you know Peterson and I have been plotting you takedown for years. We will get you"

I laughed at the mention of Petersons name. My men were so good, that no one had even mentioned that Peterson was no longer on this plain. My laughter seemed to make Williams angry and his anger made me happier. I take back everything I said about the field, I fucking love being out here. Once I replace myself in the office, I think I will return to my original spot, the streets. I grabbed the tip of Williams' ear and pinched. His whole body went limp as he tried not to squeal in pain. I lent right down, whispering so only he could hear me.

"Petersons dead. Your revenge plan is going to fail. I quite enjoyed watching the bullet go through his head. A moment of adrenaline rushed through me as I watched his brain splatter on the wall behind him. If I even get one peep out of you in the next few days, I will make sure no one will ever know that you even existed. Got it?"

He let out a pathetic squeak and I took it as a yes. I let go of his ear and his body slumped down the ground.

"I will send you the termination contract that my side will make up. If you don't sign it by the end of the week......"

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