Seducing My Husband

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I looked down at my watch and sighed. Peterson was meant to land twenty minutes ago. I signalled for my men to find him and ten minutes later, they returned to the car, carrying Peterson by the back of his collar. He looked scared shit, as he was being handcuffed and thrown into the back of the car. As soon as my family left last night, I had to make sure Peterson was actually on a plane heading here. I am beyond pissed that I am almost scary calm, sitting beside Peterson, as we drove to the apartment Zeke was staying at.

When I was in one of my many moods, a lot of people tend to lose their heads and Zeke was not going to get out of this. Had I also known that he had come to New York when I had, then I would have dealt with everything earlier. I don't understand why people dared to defy me. I was a good boss and even when I was in this kind of mood, I still gave my people a chance to explain. The only people who think any different are the people who got caught cheating their way through my business.

When we got to his apartment, we knocked first. Like I said I like to give my people a chance. After a while, I had one of my men knock down the door. I stepped over the rubble and ordered them to tie Peterson to one of Zeke's dining room chairs. As they were tying him, Zeke and Margo came out of their bedroom.

"What the hell is........"

Both of their faces went from anger to shock. Margo wrapped her robe closer around her body and I motioned for them to sit on the couch. I pulled out a chair, sitting it in between the couch and the chair Peterson was tied to. I had a loaded gun in my hand, but I wasn't sure I was going to use it.

"Do you know why I'm here Matthews?"

"No ma'am"

"Do you Peterson?"

"No ma'am"

"I would very much like to know why you tried to set up a deal with Terrace Martin?"

All three of them froze in shock and I didn't like that Margo also knew about this. Apart from my family and now Owen, there were only about four people in the world that knew about my real identity, and I was getting real close to making that list down to three. Breathing deeply, I twirled the gun in my hands, my eyes landing on Margo first. She inched further into Zeke.

"I trusted you with my sensitive information. Tell me right now"

"I'm sorry S, I didn't think...."

"It's really too late for your apologies Margo. Tell me why"

"I was jealous. Even after Zeke and I had gotten married, you two still slept together. I just wanted to take my revenge on you"

"Even after the two years I put you through at the whore house, you still thought it would be a great idea to take revenge on me. I took it easy on you back then, because Zeke is my business partner. I could have killed you and none of this would have happened. But you?"

I loaded the gun, facing it towards the white faced Peterson.

"What made you think you had any authority to make any deals? I thought I had told you to stop. You know very well what happens to people who get caught"

Just as I pulled the trigger, Zeke pulled me back, the bullet completely missing Peterson and almost getting on my men. Sneering, I loaded the gun again, this time pushing it against Zeke's head. Margo let out a little squeal but didn't move from her spot on the couch.

"Please, not here"

"You are very lucky I need some of your connections. Once they are mine, I will make sure you and your precious wife get buried in my backyard"

I aimed the gun again and without looking, put a bullet in the middle of Peterson's head. I handed the gun off and pulled my gloves off. Margo looked like she was going to be sick. She is going to be a nuisance late on.

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