You're Alive?

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Owen was sitting in front of my desk, back in the office, and for some stupid reason, I hoped to god that he wasn't right. He had a couple of files in his hands and I didn't need to read them to know exactly what was inside of them. Someone was snooping around in my past. Well they can try of course, because they will find dead end after dead end. I have created this life perfectly and I will not have anyone come tumbling through it. But the idea of someone even looking scared me even more. Who was left to defy me? Who even dared to come on my bad side?

"Did you happen to trace the leak?"

"Yes and no. He hid himself really well and my people are still working on it"

"Do you think this has something to do with Matthews and Peterson?"

"Yes and no. I've looked into Margo and she's not in on it. She's more concerned with the baby coming soon rather than trying to look into your personal life"

"Well, money isn't a matter, just make the finest people are working on this matter"

"Will they find anything?"


"Will the hackers find anything?"

"Of course not. I'm not that naive. Go now and report any new findings to me"

"Yes ma'am"

He shuffled the files together, leaned over the desk, giving me a surprising kiss on the cheek. He's so docile now and he even does everything I command. If I had known all it took to tame the beast, was to have sex with me, I would have done this years ago. But alas, the past is the past. Just can't have his lovey dove shit infect me or we will both be ruined. Rubbing my sore head, I cleaned up my desk. I needed some sleep. Every little thing seemed to make me jump. I wasn't a jumpy kind of person but everything seemed off. My husband is obeying me, my best friend is dead, my lover is dead, Margo is pregnant and business is going good. Something is bound to jump out and take everything I have worked too hard to keep, away from me.

Groaning, I left a note for my father and left my office. Not even two minutes after that thought, someone jumped me. Maybe I was too tired to fight back, or maybe I had just enough of everything and wanted out. But I let the chloroform drug me and drag me into an uneasy sleep. When I opened my eyes, the room started to blur. My body felt sluggish as I tried to move. I wasn't tied to anything and it looked like I had been taken back into my office. I rubbed my face, trying to clear up the blur. I couldn't make out any shapes of intruders or even my attacker.

"You're alive then?"

I jumped at the voice and rolled over to see my new assistant, Cody, standing over my body. I wanted to talk but my throat was too dry. Cody handed me a bottle of water and I gulped it down. Clearing my throat, I sat up from the floor.

"What happened to me?"

"Well it looked like someone tried to jump you. They were obviously unaware of the security this place has. We did try to apprehend them but they got away"

"Did anyone see who?"

"No, but it looked like a female"

"Why exactly am I on the floor?"

"Well, you're not exactly light and I'm not a body builder. It was the only place I could drag you to without anyone seeing you going down. Don't worry, no one saw what happened nor has anyone asked where you are"

"How long have I been out?"

"Twenty minutes, give or take"

"Jesus, why do I feel like I have been out for several days?"

"Whoever this woman was, she wanted you out but not to kill you. Do you have nay idea who is after you this time?"

"No idea. It's probably the same person trying to hack into my life. I'm going to go home now. I do need some sleep"

"Security will walk you down to your car"

Nodding, I picked up my purse again and walked down to my car. I let my driver drive me home. The house was strangely quiet when I unlocked the front door. Normally at this time of the afternoon, Owen would be home already.

"Owen are you home?"

I heard some shuffling from the lounge room and headed towards it. What I saw was not what I was expecting. Owen is tired to a chair, tape around his mouth, his eyes searching me desperately. I heard the click of a gun and stared straight into the eyes of my soul. No this couldn't be. I dropped to my knees as she smiled down at me, the gun placed against my head. I could feel the tears running down my cheeks.

"Hello sister, I guess you never expected this"

"How, how are you still alive? I watched you die"

"What after you slit my throat? I honestly didn't expect you to kill me and take my life. We had an agreement Carla but had I realised how fucked up your life was I would have never agreed to it. I've been watching you for the past couple of years. You've made my name into something quite interesting. I was hoping you would just lay low and live a peaceful life. But here you are. A huge scary mafia boss, married to a rich boy and living the dream life while I suffered in the shallows"

The gun pressed further into my head and I stopped the tear jerking performance. I smiled up my dear little sister. She stopped smiling and frowned at my happiness. I stood up, the gun still pressed firmly to my head.

"To be honest, this is a little surprising, considering I slit your throat many years ago. I knew I should have stayed to watch you completely bleed out, a mistake I realise now. But what exactly have you been watching to think this will phase me"

"What? I have your husband tied up and I could shoot him any time"

I glanced at Owen. Even though there was confusion still one his face, his eyes bore into mine. We both knew this day would come. He gave me a little nod and I gave him a little smile. I do have to admit, I was starting to enjoy his company a little bit.

"Do you honestly think I married him for love? You know very well the only man I ever loved was Axel and you took him away from me. I hope you don't expect to go running back to him especially after I shot him in the head"

The gun shook against my head as I could see her big stance fail. There were tears threatening to run down her face.

"You didn't?"

"It was the easiest choice I have ever made"

She lowered the gun from my head and quickly moved it towards Owen, shooting him. Her hand shook so much that she only got in the shoulder.


I punched her in the face, surprising her and making her drop the gun. She knelt down to the floor and I rushed over to Owen. I ripped the tape off his mouth, brushing the tears from his face.

"Are you alright?"

"Don't worry about me S, we agreed remember"

"I know, but I can't lose someone else I love to my sister"


"Well it does seem I did pick the right weakness"

I heard the gun click again and shoot. I braced myself for the pain of the darkness, but nothing. I turned around to see my sister's body on the floor, Cody standing behind her, holding a shaking gun.

"Are you alright ma'am? I didn't know what else to do"

"It's alright Cody. Untie my husband and call for a doctor. He will need to be looked at"

"Right away ma'am"

I crouched down next to my sister's body as she coughed up some blood.

"Do you want me to let you live Lindsay?"

"Why bother? I don't have a life here anyway. I was so caught up in getting my revenge I forgot to live the life you gave to me"

"Don't worry, your family is safe with me"

She smiled before coughing up some more blood. The house burst with bodyguards as they started to swarm in. I watched my sister die for the second time.

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