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(btw thanks a lot yaa! Expectation reached +100votes di hari kedua setelah rilisnya♥ gue gak tau kalian segini pengennya sama sekuel AITN—and, I'm so sorry. I love you so much guys!! Happy reading♥)


seminggu kemudian



Greyson langsung ngelepas sebelah headsetnya lalu menyahut tak kalah ketus, "I'm not insane and I'm not kidding and ugh—don't scream, please. You're almost making me deaf!"

"It's your fault anyway. Don't you think about, you know, perfect time to—"

Ucapan gue terputus ketika ngeliat Greyson memencet beberapa nomor di iPhonenya sebelum nempelin layarnya ke telinganya yang nggak pakai headset. Gue penasaran kenapa dia tiba-tiba nelpon, jadi ya gue diem aja, nungguin. Nggak lama kemudian, dia bicara dengan entahlah siapa.

"Ah, hi Jo! It's me, Greyson. I would like to book a flight ticket in Indonesia's airline, destination from Jakarta to Wembley, UK—which airline? Who knows, that's why I'm asking you to help me! Anyway, please look for the most excellent airline. The departure is should be on next week, before my show. Yes, no later than 10th. Book on behalf of Serayu Adriana, but the pay is on me. I'll call you later about matters of payment. Okay, thanks bro."

Klik. Dia mengakhiri panggilan. Gue cuma bisa mangap nggak percaya sama apa yang barusan dia lakuin.


"Done, yea? You'll receive the ticket via e-mail and then you just need print and bring it later."

"That's not the case, Stupidson! It was youwhy did you still led me to UK when you know it, I'm still busy with school? It's a damn school semester, Greyson! You're always using your own way." gue memaki Grey. Eh, memaki? Ah au lah, gelap! Tapi gue bener dong marah! Masa iya dia ngajakin gue ke Inggris pas masa-masa sibuk sekolah gini? Otaknya dimana coba ni orang. Pakai acara main mesen tiket pesawat tanpa minta persetujuan lagi.

"Heh, my name isn't Stupidson," tegas Greyson.

Dari panjang lebar gue tadi dia cuma protes soal itu doang?

"Bodo amat."

"And you don't even remember that I know what is bodo amat means," sekarang dia memasang wajah males campur keselnya. Eh iya, duh! Gue lupa dia ngerti beberapa kata Indonesia yang sering—keceplosan—gue pakai.

Sebuah sigh dari emosi lolos dari mulut gue. Setelah itu, gue dan Greyson sama-sama diem. Dari webcamnya, dia terus ngeliatin gue tajam. Gue mencoba bersikap sebodo amat mungkin dengan mengacuhkannya. Gue masih kesel. Kesel. Ka. Zet. El—kzl maksimal.

"I've told you Sera, this is not  aholiday vacation. I have a concert in Wembley soon and I want you to come."

"And why do I have to?"

"Oh c'mon Sera babyyyyy! You came to my concert last year, don't you?"

"But Stupidson, it's by chance I was on semester break!"


Yes. 1-0 untuk perdebatan ronde pertama.

"Ck. Stop calling me Stupidson."

EXPECTATION -g.c (AITN TRILOGY #2) / on edit tooTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang