Chapter 8

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Hunter held his blaster up to the alien who took Cora in the first place. He pleaded something in his language.

"Tech, translate what he said." Hunter said, to Tech who walked closer to his Sergeant.

After a moment, his visor flicked down in front of his eyes, Tech spoke, "He says he does not want our war on his planet. That is why he took our leader."

"We didn't bring the war here." Cora told the leader of the clan.

"Wat Tambor and the Separatists brought it here." General Skywalker told him.

Tech translated for them, everyone putting their blasters down, even Hunter. The alien looked around to the group as Tech finished.

"Tell him we apologize for what's happened." Rex started, "But tell him the enemy is holding one of our men prisoner in Purkoll. As soon as we rescue him, we'll leave his planet for good."

Tech translated. Cora held her arm which was cut open and dripping with blood. Hunter looked back to her, which she felt his conceded gaze on her. She could always feel it from Rex.

The leader of the clan spoke again in his language, telling something to the other creatures around him. Cora took this moment to stand closer to Hunter, in case something went wrong.

"The chief says he will provide us with scouts and lead us to Tambor's city. From there, we're on our own." Tech translated once again.

"Any help is better than no help." General Skywalker smiled to the chief.

The leader agreed and went off to get some scouts to help take the group to the city. Cora sighed and looked to Rex who approached her. "Thanks for the rescue." She told him.

"Thank him." Rex motioned to Hunter, who stood next to him, "We wouldn't have found you if Hunter hadn't taken a flight with you."

"Yeah." She breathed looking at Hunter, "That was really stupid," she almost scowled to him, "but I really appreciate it. You're pretty good Sergeant."

Hunter shrugged, "Just doing my job Senator." He chuckled.

"Senator." Tech said approaching them, "It would be wise if you cleaned up your wound."

"I'll take care of her, Tech." Hunter said, "If that's alright Senator?"

Cora looked at him for a moment before looking to Rex who nodded his head. "Sure." She said hesitatingly.

"I'll get the locals ready, you get cleaned up." Rex told her. She nodded and followed Hunter up the hill to their ship.

Hunter opened the door stepped inside, taking off his helmet, and placed it on the seat. "Sit down, I'll grab the supplies." Hunter told her.

She sat down next to the seat where Hunter bent down on his knees, looking under a shelf for the right supplies to take care of her wound. She slipped her helmet off and placed it next to Hunter's. As Hunter looked through the shelf, she couldn't help but watch him. His eyes were fixed on the crates in front of him, his dark eyes looking as his hair fell perfectly over his face, the red bandana keeping it in place. Hunter grabbed the small med kit and turned to face Cora, which caused her to quickly look away, her cheeks bright red. She swallowed her anxiety as Hunter took off her armour that covered her forearm.

She felt weird.

She worked with many clones, and had been alone with so many when it came to injuries, some from the men or from her. But this felt different. Her hands were sweaty as her cheeks became hot with blush.

"You alright Senator?" Hunter asked as he opens the kit.

She nodded, glancing at him. "It just hurts."

"I haven't even touched it." He half laughed.

"Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt." She chuckled, which he smirked at.

Hunter kneeled in front of her, pulling up the sleeve of her shirt after her arm piece had been removed. Cora watched as he opened the kit and laid out all the things he needed to clean her wound. He sprayed it down which caused Cora to take a sharp breath in. Hunter glanced up to her and continued to work.

"Thank you, for coming after me." She said as she watched him take extreme care of her arm.

Without looking up, he answered, "You mean for saving you?" He teased.

"I didn't want to phrase it like that but..." she huffed. "Thank you for saving me."

Hunter looked up as he finished stitching the wound. His eyes grew soft for a moment. Cora looked to him and felt her heartbeat race behind her chest plate. She remembered that Hunter mentioned having heightened senses, so she prayed to the gods that he couldn't hear her heartbeat. Cora cleared her throat and broke her gaze from Hunter. Standing up quickly she grabbed her helmet and knocked over Hunter's in the process.

"Sorry." She mumbled.

Both bent down to pick the helmet up and knocked heads. Hunter and Cora pulled back and groaned, rubbing their heads.

"We must stop knocking heads, Senator." Hunter chuckled as Cora picked up his helmet.

She handed it to the man in front of her and couldn't help but smile, "Let's not make it a habit, Sergeant." She chuckled before picking up her armour piece for her arm and walked out of the ship.

Cora stepped off the ship, passing the rest of the Bad Batch, she nodded and walked down the hill towards General Skywalker and Rex. Hunter stood on the ships stairs who watched Cora sway her hips, off down the hill. The group looked to their leader, smirks painting their faces.

"Uh..." Hunter cleared his throat, looking away from his group, "let's get moving." He walked off the steps and down the same path Cora had taken.

"What was that about?" Crosshair said crossing his arms.

"I am no expert in this field but, Tech pushed up his glasses. "I think Hunter is smitten by the Senator."

"Smitten?" Wrecker asked.

"He means Hunter is in love." Crosshair rolled his eyes.

"Oh." Wrecker nodded.

Tech and Crosshair looked to each other, rolling their eyes. They followed down the hall and started off towards the village, laughing to themselves at the reaction that their Sergeant was possibly in love.

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