The Warning

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Cas sat with disbelief in his eyes. The group had just told that Cora and Crosshair led an attack on the rebel base he had mentioned.

"We have to act now." Cas said quickly. "We're running out of time."

"It is risky." Tech noted. "Four of us going in against a whole army, plus Crosshair, and a double of Hunter." He turned to his Sergeant. "Cora has your abilities, she will know we are coming before we get there."

"That's a risk we have to take." Echo said.

"Cora needs us." Wrecker nodded. "We don't leave our own behind."

Hunter nodded, his arms folded over his chest. "Noted Tech." He swallowed. "But Cora would do the same if we were in her position. We have to take this risk."

"I know a secret tunnel under the palace, it leads right to my private office." Cas told him. "I can guide you over communications."

Hunter nodded and told his group to prepare. Before everyone could stand and get their gear, Hunter grabbed his head, a pulse of nausea washed over him as he stumbled. He didn't hear Omega's voice as she asked if he was okay. He squeezed his eyes closed for a moment, the ship around him was silent.

Opening his eyes, he was greeted by Cora. Hunter looked to her with confusion. She was standing in the ship, but everyone else was gone, it was just them. He stood staring at her as her face was painted with pain.

"Hunter." Her voice echoed off the hull of the ship.

"Cora." He gasped out. "H-how are you—"

"You have to come save me." She pleaded. Cora's eyes filled with an unusual mixture of worry and lies. Something wasn't right about her.

"Are you okay?" He asked stepped closer to her.

She put her hand up, taking a step back, causing Hunter to stop in his tracks. Cora glanced around, but no one was around. Her eyes stopped on the open air before looking back to Hunter. She licked her lips nervously. "You have to come to the palace. Save me." She gasped for a moment. "Save me Hunter."

"I will." Hunter nodded, offering a reassuring smile.

Her eyes glanced to the same spot. It was as if someone was there watching her, but Hunter saw no one. Hunter stepped closer again, his hands up as she backed up. She was nervous about something. Hunter saw her swallow, her mouth opened but she closed it.

"Cora." He whispered. "What is it?"

Tears brimmed her eyes, but her face turned stone cold for a moment. She was fighting the control on her father. The struggle was pressed on her face as she quickly looked to Hunter.

She said quickly, "You have to stay far away as possible, he's going to kill you all. He wants me to kill you. He's going to use you to—"

She disappeared, like a ghost. Hunter blinked and found himself back around his brothers, all watching him as his stood there, his hands still up, mouth hung open. Cas rushed to his side as Hunter blinked again, looking around the ship for Cora.

"You saw her? Didn't you?" Cas grabbed Hunter's shoulders, trying to get him to focus.

"Yeah..." he mumbled looking around as his brothers watched him stumble on his own words. "She was here, right here in the ship." He puttered out.

Cas let go of Hunter and blinked. "The Gods Power has something called the Seeing Eyes. She connected with you to talk with you."

Hunter finally locked eyes with Cas. "Yes." He nodded. "She told me to come to the palace, that she needed to be saved. But then, she acted like she was being watched."

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