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Thank you so much for reading the whole book! The whole 80 chapters! I had so much fun writing this and putting Cora into the story of the Bad Batch! Creating her character and adding her own little storyline within has been a challenge but also extremely fun!

I can't wait for Season 2 and you bet your beautiful little faces that I will be writing a second book to go along with Season 2!!

BUT!! I had so many other little things written and ready to go but you all have to wait until season 2, cause I'm not sure if it'll fit with the show... so we'll see.

In the meantime, I wrote this chapter but never used it because I didn't think it fit in anywhere. It just wasn't the same vibe with the rest of the story. I don't want it to go to waste so... I'll just leave it here as a little bonus for making it this far and finishing the story :))

This chapter takes place after Hunter and Cora kiss for the first time, and after they had their chips taken out with Rex!

Enjoy this very fun, sorta light hearted chapter :)) and thank you once again for the love and support!


"It's just a stupid flower." Cid waved the group away. "My client wants it for his wife. So just go get it."

"Easy enough." Echo mumbled turning away.

"That's it?" Cora asked eyeing Cid as she sat back in her desk.

"Yup." She said quickly, throwing the stick of information to Hunter.

Hunter turned away as Cora nodded to Cid, it was going to be an easy job, at least she hoped. Cid explained easy jobs before but they were never easy. Something always had to go wrong.

Tech, who was helping Omega with her bow skills, turned his attention to the stick as they made their way back towards the Havoc Marauder. He flipped through the information but was unsatisfied when the flower wasn't in any record he owned.

Cora finally got a chance to fly the ship as Tech wanted to try and figure out this flower. "I can't seem to find anything on this plant." He announced as Cora kept her eyes to the stars.

"Maybe it was never recorded?" She guessed.

"That is a possibility." He nodded as he looked to his data pad, sitting next to Cora. "But how does Cid's client know about it?"

"Could have run into it before and just never recorded it?" Cora glanced to Tech, "Maybe it's under a different name?"

"Hm." Tech nodded looking up. "I'll have to record it once we find it."

Cora nodded, smiling as the clone looked back down, scanning his information again.

After landing the Marauder, much better then Tech could ever do, the group stepped out into the fresh air of a brightly coloured planet. The sky was a pink hue, the grass green with trees that were light pink. The whole world felt like a dream, like it wasn't even real.

"The information from Cid said the flower is a red specked type, with a yellow stem." Echo said.

Wrecker nodded and took his helmet off. "It's too hot for this." He placed it on the steps of the ship as Hunter nodded, taking his off.

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