Chapter 32

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"Omega?" Hunter looked around, his eyes scanning the crowd.

Cora stayed silent, she turned around and looked through the group of people. She watched as for a moment, a flash of clear worry washed over Hunter. The two started to make their way through the crowds of people. Hunter kept his head up, trying to use his senses to find the girl, but the crowd was too much. Everyone else around him, clouded his ability to track in on her small footprints.

The lights shone down on the two as they rushed around the street. Hunter stopped and looked to a small clone doll on the side of the pathway. He picked it up and showed it to Cora. The couple ran town the street where the doll was dropped, hoping that Omega was okay and may have just ran off. The thought of loosing such a young child worried Cora. She never had children, and never was a child person, but on her many missions that did involve children, she made sure that those children were safe. Now they've lost Omega, making Cora question her abilities as a soldier.

Her heart quickened as she saw the small blonde ahead of them. "There." She said breathlessly.

"Omega!" Hunter yelled coming to a stop, a figure unknown to them next to her.

They moved closer as Omega waved innocently.

"Omega," Cora put her hand out, ready for anything that this strange woman could do. "Step away from her."

"Why?" Omega questioned, "She was helping me look for you."

"Yes," the woman grinned, "Omega and I were getting to know each other." The woman's eyes narrowed on Cora, a smirk dancing on her lips. "She's told me all about you, Senator." Her voice was sharp. She then placed her orange helmet on her head.

Cora saw in her eyes, that this woman knew who she was. Hunter glared at the women as she placed a strong hand over Omega's shoulder. He reached for his knife as Cora slowly reached for her blaster on her hip, hidden away in her bag. The woman also reached for her blaster as shot at the two. Omega cried out their names as Cora pushed Hunter behind a few crates. The two scrambled to their feet as they heard Omega struggle at the woman's grasp. Hunter pulled his knife and threw it at the stranger once Omega broke from her grasp. She pulled a small shield from the top of a pot and caught the knife.

Cora raced forward knocking the woman down, she struggled as she kicked Cora up in the stomach, making her cough and fall off her. She reached for Hunter as he struggled to hold her off from pulling his knife into his chest, and her blaster aimed for him. Cora stood up as Omega watched helplessly.

"Cora! Take Omega!" Hunter pleaded as he struggled on the woman's grasp.

Cora rushed to Omega, pushing her along, away from Hunter and running down the street with her by her side. Cora fumbled with her comm as she pulled it from her bag.

"Wrecker, Tech, Echo. Anyone." She was out of breath. "Somebody attacked us. I've got Omega, but I've lost Hunter."

"I'm here." Hunter's voice groaned at the end of the static.

"Somebody who?" Wrecker asked.

"A woman. Highly trained. She's after the kid." Hunter struggled on the other side. He sounded fine but something was off about his voice.

Cora quickly pulled Omega into an alley way, hidden from the rest of the crowd. She looked out over, making sure Omega stayed close behind.

"Yeah, we'll see about that." Wrecker said.

"I'll tap into the central security network. There should be enough cameras in this city to help guide you away from her." Tech offered.

Cora leaned her head back as she saw the woman come around the corner.

"Listen, I made a bit of noise out here. Get the ship ready to go." She heard Hunter say as she took a breath.

Cora drowned out the rest of the conversation across the comms as she heard the stranger move closer. She glanced to Omega who was close to her, holding her leg in worry. Cora quickly backed her up. "Stay here kid, and don't make a sound." She whispered. Omega nodded as Cora lifted up a hard metal piece from a trash can.

Moving to the edge of the alleyway, she heard the movement come closer and closer. Cora took a deep breath and swung her arm out, hitting the woman in the face with the trash lid. She stumbled back as Cora pulled her grappling hook from her belt. She shot it so it bounced off a crate and wrapped around her leg. As the stranger was stunned, Cora pulled the cord and made her fall to her legs with a grunt. Cora took this moment to jump on her, pinning her hands down.

"You are quite the soldier, Princess." She struggled as Cora looked to her in shock. "You're father has more money on you then the kid." She chuckled. "Maybe I should take you instead."

With her guard down, the woman pulled her head up and head butted Cora, heading her nose crack, she fell off the stranger and closed her eyes. She jumped to her feet and looked towards the alley way.

"Omega run!" Cora yelled as she struggled to stand up.

Omega rushed out of the alleyway, pushing past the woman, nearly missing her grasp. Cora watched as her eyes grew heavy, seeing Omega run away, but the woman close behind her.

Cora groaned as she leaned her head back on a crate. She had enough head injuries to know this was a concussion caused by what happened on Mora and now the head butt with a helmet to her forehead. Her vision was fuzzy as she felt the hot liquid pour from her nose. Cora pulled out her comm as she tried to stand again.

"I've lost Omega." Her voice low and horse. "I tried to fit her but-" she didn't know. This woman knew her, and was possibly after her next.

"I have eyes on Omega." Tech said calmly through the comm. "She went down into the maintenance tunnels. Head northwest, at 155." He paused, "and she's got company."

Cora lifted herself, stumbling as she rubbed her head. A hand went to her shoulder as she quickly turned. Hunter faced her, shock at the blood running down her face. "Are you all right?"

"I will be, once we find Omega." Cora shrugged him off as she wiped her nose clean.

Their comm beeped before Hunter could protest Cora helping. "I'm with Omega." Wrecker said. "We're on our way."

The two breathed a sigh of relief. They made their way down the street as Hunter spoke into the comm. "Wrecker, where are you?" The comm was silent. "Wrecker, do you copy?"

"I do not see Wrecker." Tech said after a moment. "But Omega is hanging from a maintenance tower in the skyway."

"What?" Cora gasped as they stopped.

"Hanging?" Hunter asked into the comm, his worry eyes looking to Cora.

"For now." Tech replied. "I suggest you both hurry."

Cora and Hunter looked towards the taller buildings. Their eyes scanned the sky as Hunter nudged Cora. A lone speeder bike sat at the end of the road in front of them. Hunter nodded to it as Cora hesitated. She followed as Hunter jumped on and let Cora jump on behind him. He sped off as the owner yelled to them, cursing in another language. Cora gasped at how fast Hunter moved so she wrapped her arms around his waist, their bodies pressed against each other's. Hunter couldn't help but quickly glance over his shoulder as Cora looked towards the buildings.

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