Chapter 48

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The soft howls of the wind could be heard as Hunter led the group towards their new exit. The moved as quickly and quietly as they could, hoping that no other clone troopers would find them. Hunter pulled the side door open and the giant ion chamber was exposed to the group. They slide to the side and walked the pathway that led towards the outside.

"The ion engine chamber?" Wrecker questioned, "Why'd you bring us here?" He asked Tech.

"Because this is our alternate egress off the cruiser." Tech's voice echoed off the walls as the ship groaned from their soft movements.

Wrecker groaned. "I don't even know what that means."

Their lights felt blind in the darkness. The overwhelming cold air from the night brought chills down Cora's spine as the darkness consumed the group. They reached a point in the chamber where they slid down one of the bridges, getting them lower to the ground.

"We're almost there." Hunter said as Cora helped Omega just down and slide to the bottom. "Just a little further."

Cora waited for Omega to move before she too jumped down, and slide towards the bottom. She picked herself up and walked next to Tech and Echo, Omega close behind while Wrecker slid down with the weapons they had collected.

"I didn't think you meant we'd be escaping through the engine." Echo said looking to the back of Hunter.

"I could not have been clearer." Tech said.

Cora huffed, "Maybe instead of saying, 'Hey let's go to the lower decks to escape', next time just tell us, 'Let's go to the ion engine chamber'. Be more specific Tech." She grumbled earning a glance from Hunter.

Now at the bottom of the chamber, Omega looked around and gasped as they continued towards the opening. "Whoa. I've never been inside an ion engine before."

Wrecker chuckled. "It'd be weirder if you had."

"I'd like to think none of us have." Cora turned to Omega who smiled.

"These chambers are quite the engineering marvel." Tech started as he jumped over one of the metal grates. "This blast primer coating is capable of withstand—"

Wrecker pushed him forward. "No one cares! Keep movin'."

Tech groaned as he was pushed forward, now standing next to Cora. She glanced at him and leaned over. "Let's hope we don't fry in here." She half joked.

"If you are trying to make this situation a humorous one, it isn't working." He huffed.

Cora rolled her eyes and climbed up in front, passing Echo and Tech. She climbed the ledge that led out. Hunter was looking down, trying to find a quick way to escape. Cora looked carefully down before looking back up.

"Do you still have your hook?" Hunter asked.

Cora pulled the grappling hook from her belt. "Surprisingly, Crosshair didn't take it." She smirked under her helmet.

"Well, now what?" Wrecker asked.

Tech climbed up next to Cora and Hunter. He took looking down trying to figure out the best way down. Cora looked up towards the line of old ships and saw something shin quickly in the moonlight. Like a class reflection. A sudden blaster shot hit the side where Tech was looking down, scaring him. He slipped and lost his balance as Cora quickly reached out and grabbed him, pulling him behind the corner, their chests pressing against each other. Cora held her breath as Tech let out a shaky sigh.

"Thanks." He mumbled looking to her.

"Don't mention it." She whispered looking back towards Hunter.

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