Chapter 12

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The air in the room seemed to become very stiff. The sound of the tubes above hissing and the electricity buzzing through the pillars around Rex and Cora seemed to be the only sound around them. Cora glanced over at Tech who was busy trying to find a way to properly unhook Echo from the many wires and tubes that connected him to the panel below. She looked back to Rex, who was scanning the face of Echo as he coughed and brought himself back to reality.

"We— We have to get the shuttle to escape the Citadel." Echo leaned forward, Rex holding him up so he wouldn't fall back and hurt himself. "No! I'll go first." Echo reached forward then fell back, his back leaning on the base of the panel.

"Echo." Rex said holding his friend.

"No! No. No." Echo mumbled, his eyes ahead, his mind in another world.

"Echo, it's Rex. I'm here." The clone assured as Echo closed his eyes, blocking. Out the horrors and pain he had seen and felt.

Cora leaned forward, trying to get the gaze of Echo who wasn't even looking to her or Rex. Cora's heart broke at the sight of Echo. Her looked so thin and tired, he was pale and ice covered parts of his body. He was in such a horrible state.

"No." Echo mumbled out, his head hung low. His eyes slowly moved forward and locked with Rex's, a sudden burst of energy came from Echo as he saw the light at the end of the tunnel. "Rex? You, you came back for me." He coughed out, reaching his hand out, he grabbed Rex's shoulder.

"Yes." Rex gasped out, hesitatingly, "Yes, I did."

Echo's eyes lifted again and fell on the Senator, which she gave him a soft pain filled smile. "Senator." He almost gasped, "You're here."

"Yes," she smiled, "I am."

"What." Echo started, "What happened? Where am I?" He asked tiredly, his eyes scanning the dark room they were in.

Cora reached forward and grabbed his hand, they were cold a frail but she cupped them to keep them warm.

"It's okay, Echo. You're safe now." Rex said, "Just sit tight, trooper." Echo looked up to his brother, his face twisted and filled with hurt. Rex saw his look and put his hand on his shoulder, "You're going home."

Cora could hear the sounds from outside and it worried her. They didn't know how much longer they could hold them off outside. Cora could hear Crosshair talking with Hunter on their comm. She looked over and waved Tech over, as he watched the two comfort the long lost clone. Tech ran over to them, scanning Echo and his wires.

"Who are you?" Echo asked.

"I am Tech." Tech said looking through his pad after his scan, not looking at Echo.

Echo looked at Rex who shrugged, "He's not like most clones."

"What?" Echo gave a confused look.

"It's a long story." Cora huffed. "We should call for backup." She turned to Rex.

Rex nodded and stood up, walking to the other side of the room to call it in. Cora turned to Tech who was finishing his scans of Echo. Tech stood and walked towards the big computer. Cora stood up, leaving Echo. Standing next to Tech she leaned towards him.

"How is it?"

"It will be difficult." Tech admitted. "I just need some time."

"Let's hope we have time." Cora mumbled as she saw Rex join back with Echo.

The doors slid open, causing Cora to stand in front of Rex, Tech and Ech0, pulling her two blasters and pointing them at who just walked in. The General ran in and put his hands up in defence.

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