Chapter 46

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There was a small breeze as the sun started up over the abandoned ships in the valley. Cora sat with her knees close to her chest as she looked out over the ships. They were the same ones she would go on with the Jedi. Planning and perfecting plans, sitting and talking with Lark, laughing with Rex. She rested her head on her knees and let her tears fall.

Cora spent the night up on the higher place on the old cruiser. Watching the stars go by with night slowly rolled into morning. The sky slowly painted itself orange and red as morning dawned on Bracca. She sat there by herself, thinking and brewing over everything. She felt like she wasn't enough, her mind telling her lies. But she believed those lies.

The Senator looked up to the sky again, wishing Rex would come back. She wiped the tears from her face once she heard footsteps behind her.

"Senator." Tech said from behind her. She huffed because he was the only one who continued to call her Senator. It was a pain for what once was, but no longer is. "Hunter wants you back inside."

Cora shook her head, not wanting to turn around and pretend like she was okay. She was tired, tired of pretending she wasn't affected by all this.

"I've got this, Tech." Cora heard Echo say.

After a moment, Echo hung his legs over the edge where Cora sat. He looked out into the graveyard and sighed.

"I can't do this." Cora said softly.

"I know." Echo said nodding.

"I can't pretend that all this didn't hurt every fibre of my being." She choked on her tears. "How do you do it?"

"As a clone," Echo sighed, "we were taught not to get personal with things. We were soldiers. We were meant to be disposable." The clone turned to her, "It's hard for everyone, even us."

Cora turned away again, trying to stop her tears, but she felt it build up in her chest. "I thought I was doing better, but..." she took a shaky breath. "I just can't hide it anymore."

"You don't have too." Echo placed his hand on her back. "We're here for you. We want to help you." Cora looked at him under her tears, "Cora, you've helped so many clones in your time. Let us help you for a change."

Cora looked away and cleared the tears from her eyes. She took a shaky breath and nodded. "Thank you." She gave him a weak smile.

"Anytime." Echo stood and walked back the way he came, leaving Cora to her thoughts again.

After a few minutes, Cora stood up. She looked out over at the ships and the memories that lay within them. Her chest was heavy with grief. The wind blew for a moment, offering some sort of leave to wash over her. The sun finally peaked out over the horizon and shined on her face, warming her body. Closing her eyes, she took in the moment, feeling a wave of peace wash over her body. Opening her eyes again she looked up to the sky, the stars now fading away.

"Stay safe, Rex. For me." She whispered before turning around and making her way back down into the shipyard below.

Cora could hear Tech talking with Hunter as she climbed down into the ship again. The sun shone through the cracks and gaps in the ships hull. Her helmet was hanging from her lip as she jumped down into an open area. Hunter and Tech turned as they heard her footsteps approach.

"Wrecker and Echo are in pursuit of a group of scrappers." Hunter told her. She nodded, not exactly looking at him. Giving him the cold shoulder. Hunter glanced at her again and turned back to Tech. "We should get moving."


The day seemed to move oddly different on Bracca then normal. Cora didn't know if she had completely lost track of time or the planet moved faster then others she had been on. Now it was dark again. The cool fog rolled over the wasteland, covering most of the ships below as they walked on the edge of the cruiser. Wrecker carried the scrappers and placed them, they were still unconscious.

"Rex warned us about the scrapper patrols on Bracca. We should leave." Echo had protested. Cora could tell he was bothered by the group not going with Rex.

It seemed that both Echo and Cora had mixed emotions towards their Sergeant, none of which were good emotions.

"In our present situation, we need money." Hunter told them. "And we have a chance to make a lot of it right here."

"Ha! In this dump? How?" Wrecker huffed.

"Tech," Hunter turned to Tech who was sitting on an old piece of broken metal. "What's the potential haul inside this cruiser?"

"My scans indicate the armoury and artillery bay have not been fully off-loaded. The dianoga much have kept the scrappers away." Tech told them.

"Just a few of those weapons should clear our debt with Cid." Hunter mumbled, his hand on his chin.

"We're soldiers, not arms smugglers." Echo said glaring at Hunter.

"Echo's right." Cora spoke up, earning everyone to look to her. "Rex mentioned that people were still fighting. What happens when we sell the weapons? They could go back to the Empire and make things worse for people. People still believe in the Republic, so their still fighting."

"But there's not Republic for us to rely on anymore." Hunter turned to her. His eyes were soft and understanding, not hard and cold like hers. "We're presented with an opportunity here. We have to take it." He turned away from them as Tech spoke up.

Cora wanted to tackle him and smack some sense into Hunter. Her face was red, not just from the cold air.

"I would also add that the intel from the bridge's central system has the potential to be worth far more than any weapon." Tech said as Hunter put his helmet on.

Wrecker scuffed, "Not to me."

"Tech, get to the bridge. Get the power online and whatever intel you can gather." Hunter ordered.

"Uh," Omega motioned towards the unconscious scrappers. "What do we do about them?"

"We'll grab what we need and be gone before they even wake up." Hunter nodded.

Cora was in shock. The group gathered their things and we're about to head off when she stopped them. "Who's side are you on?" The air grew thin with silence as her question bounced back to her. The states the men gave her was enough to make her so unbelievably upset. "You claim you want nothing to do with the Empire, that you don't agree with it. But here you all are, gathering weapons and intel to sell to someone who could use it to harm more people."

Echo looked to Cora. He agreed. He too, didn't like the idea of doing anything that Hunter had demanded.

"We need the money." Hunter said calmly.

"Is that all that matters to you? Money?" Cora's tone grew harsh. Hunter didn't answer, no one did. She scuffed and waved her arms, waving them away. "Gods, you're all just as bad as Crosshair." She mumbled before jumping back down into the ship, and walking off from the group.

She didn't want any part of it. Cora wished she had gone with Rex.

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