Chapter 51

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Wrecker stretched his arms as Cora watched him for a moment. He rose from his seat and walked towards the front of the ship.

"Do we have to do this one?" He asked nervously.

"Afraid of water?" Cora teased.

"Ugh, no." Wrecker turned to her, looking to her as she cleaned her blasters. "I just don't trust what's in water anymore."

"We're going to a water planet." Echo said passing them, "It's not the best time to be afraid of what lives in the water."

"Heh." Hunter chuckled. "It's because you're afraid of that monster that got you on Bracca." He moved his fingers towards Wrecker, trying to scare him.

Wrecker pushed his brother away, "Next time, you get drowned by that thing!" He huffed.

"I think the fear is valid." Omega said next to Cora. "Anything could get you from the water."

"Omega is correct." Tech said from the pilots seat, "There are many different types of aquatic life that can be found throughout this sector. Especially on Umar."

Wrecker groaned again and sat down across from Omega and Cora. "Don't worry Wrecker," Cora said looking up from her blasters, "Nothing will get you."

"Thanks." He mumbled looking away from her.

Omega giggled next to her, causing Cora to look at her and smirk. Her eyes wandered towards the back where Hunter stood, holding his side where he had been shot. He flexed his arm, trying to find his strength again. This was their first mission back since their Sergeant had been shot by Cad Bane. She kept a close eye on Hunter, often trying to help with his pain, but he often times would dismiss her. She couldn't blame him, he was seen as weak because of his injury. Although everyone on the team never thought badly of him, they worried more about his recovery and making sure he was going to be okay. Hunter just didn't want to seem weak. He was their leader after all.

Cora looked away once Hunter turned back towards the group, as Tech started to land the ship.

"This is stupid." Wrecker complained again. "We're after some sort of fish?"

"Pearl, actually." Tech said walking towards the group.

"If it makes you feel any better," Echo said, "Tech, Cora and I can get it." He turned to Hunter.

The sergeant shook his head. "No." He said, "We stay as a team."

"Oh come on." Wrecker said. "This is easy, Cid said so."

"She said that about the crystal from Dallbre but look where that led." Hunter snapped.

Cora looked at him, shocked at his sudden outburst, and putting down her mission. Yes, it ended badly but they survived. "You're the one staying." Cora said.

The guys all looked to Cora, not exactly shocked that she was going against Hunter's orders. "Excuse me?" Hunter leaned forward.

"As the mostly trained medical member of this team, besides Tech," Cora pointed his Tech, "I don't think you have the ability to go on this mission."

"I am more then capable of going on this mission."

"I would have to agree with Cora." Tech softly, "You still need time to heal, Hunter."

Hunter looked at them in shock as they all nodded. Seeing that his team all agreed that he was not ready to go out in the field, he nodded his head. "Fine, I'll stay."

"And I will stay with you." Cora said looking to him. Hunter looked at her, giving her a look. "Oh come on Hunter," she sighed, "I know if we leave you here alone, you'd leave anyways."

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