typical tom

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tom wouldn't take his eyes off of you. even if you looked away, you could feel his eyes burning into you. he knew it was you. he knew it was your plan. he was just, smart like that.

he held his mouth in a straight line. he was tensing his jaw and biting the inside of his cheek. his eyes brows sat above his eyes, also in straight lines. it wasn't like a "i'm going to end your fucking life" kinda look though. more like a "you pissed me off. but i'm too much of a twink to do anything about it" kinda look. whatever it was, it was kinda hot. yikes, you were messed up in the head.

you shifted eye contact with him, and fidgeted with the hem of your dress. you felt your heart pounding a mile per minute. his gaze made you feel nervous, and your stomach was filled with butterflies. not like scared nervous, but like blushy nervous.

you were so distracted by tom that you had totally forgotten what was happening. you shook your head took a big exhale.

you were soon distraced  when you saw jerry and abbie dancing in front of the whole room. they did a weird handshake thingy, that didn't look very planned out. they just kinda went around in circles and high fived and did the disco. once they were worn out, they waltzed over to their seats and took them. everyone's laughter was cut off when a door was swung open and the judge walked in.

oh shit there he was. judge julius hoffman. your buddies were right, he looked pathetic up there on his dumb podium.

he sat down and slammed his gavel down. after they made their dumb little introductions and stuff, kunsler began to talk, but was cutoff by joyful judge julie.

"hold on." he said in a weak old man voice. "mr rubin, mr hoffman, what are you wearing." he asked.

they both stood up in unison and smiled. "it's an homage to you, sir." abbie beamed. a few laughs were heard from the crowd.

the judge sighed. "do you have clothes underneath there?" he affirmed. "yes sir." abbie nodded. "hold on." he put up a finger and looked down his shirt to check if he did. the crowd laughed, as did you and bernie. "yes." abbie nodded again.

"take off the robes." the judge ordered.

abbie and jerry both unzipped their robes and revealed their blue cop uniform shirts they wore. they also both had little name tags with their names on it, and a gold star. the gallery exploded with laughter. people whistled, cheered, yelled, clapped and some boos were heard.

judge julius sighed again. "baliff, charge mr rubin and mr hoffman with one count of contempt." he ordered.

abbie and jerry shrugged and both winked at you. you both winked back. you then caught tom staring again. this time, eying both you and bernadine.

bernadine noticed this though. "turn around." she quietly gritted at him. he looked unamused and rose his eyebrow. "turn around or i'll spread a rumor that you have cat kink." you whisper shouted. toms eyes grew wide and he shifted in his seat to face forward, rather fast.

bernie nudged you and quietly laughed. you laughed back. he got all embarrassed like a little boy.

"continue mr kunsler." the judge offered.

the rest of day was just the judge handing out contempt's as if it was candy. it was literally unbelievable.

once the judge called it for the day, you and bernadine immediately ran up to jerry and abbie.

abbie laughed and held his hands out for you both to high five. jerry came up behind him and did a little shuffle in celebration. your plan had worked perfectly.

"that went so much better than i thought it would." bernie laughed. "yeah, you guys did great!" you exclaimed, grabbing both of their cheeks and squeezing them. they both swatted you away and laughed.

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