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I wake up from a goodnight's rest and walk downstairs to find Camilla still pasted out on the couch. I grab a box of cereal and pour my self a bowl, after a little while Camilla wakes up "good morning mom" I say before sticking a spoon full of cereal into my mouth, Camilla sits up and turns on her phone. "hey vee what day is it" she asks confused "its Saturday" she nods an ok. "vee I wanted to ask you a question" I nod she turns to me "so I have to go back to work

on Monday and I don't want to leave you hear by yourself school starts Monday and I've already in rolled Luz but since she not here you could take her place" I think about it for a moment I could learn what humans learn and maybe make some friends "that sounds good to me". soon after that Camilla went back to sleep, it is her day off I decided to go for a walk, I go upstairs and change into my new outfit I found last night. I look at myself in the mirror "its

still missing something" I eat one of my cards then I have an idea. I learned this a few months ago when I first showed up. I change my hair to grow to my shoulders. "ekekek It worked" I smile I feel more like myself and less like I'm Luz. remember vee don't do anything weird. "bye Mom I'm going on a walk" not sure if she heard me or not but oh well, I skip down the side walk in a happy mood. looking at the green trees, the blue sky and birds flying above me.

this is a great day. I walk to the park and see my friends from camp sitting under a tree I decide to join them. "hey!" I say they all smile. "hey Luz I like the new look" Masha says, I smile as I sit down. "thanks so what you doing?" they all groan "homework none of us finished over the summer and now its due Monday" Trevor says I nod like I know what there talking about when in reality I don't. "I didn't get to ask you at camp but what school do you go too?"

Masha asks. crap I think for a moment what school do I go to. then It hits me on the fridge at the house there is a picture of luz a year ago at the bottom it says Gravesfeild otters school. "I go to a local school" I say hoping they can fill in the rest they nod. "so you go to Gravesfeild?" Ashton asks. I nod "yep that's where I go because that's where school is" I say smiling slightly worried. Masha tilts their head. "your a weird one" they say and continue to write stuff on

a piece of paper. "well looks like will be in the same school" Trevor says. I smile glad that I'm going to have friends at this school. "did you know Duke black is back" Ashton said talking to the whole group. "yeah I heard he got sent to military school" said Trevor. I try not to look confused but I very much am. "big deal I bet his little girlfriend Claire will be happy to see him" Masha said in a mocking tone. now I give them a confused look. "who are these

people" they look at me like l just said something offensive. "you must have never crossed paths with him but you must have heard of him. if not him is cheerleader girlfriend" Masha says. I shake my head. "wow you must have been living under a rock basically he's the bully of the school if you cross his path withing the first week of school your a target till the end of the semester. he mostly targets freshmen but I have heard of him going after grades older

than him" Trever says. "well I don't care what that bully says he can kiss my-" but before Ashton continued Masha hit Them in the side. "ow! what was that... oh sorry" I look at them confused but I chose to ignore it. after a few more hours I say bye and walk home. Masha gave me their number and told me to call them Monday when I reach school so we can walk to class together, I smile as I reach the front door. I use my key to unlock it and walk inside. I

smell food and imminently walk to the kitchen "I just had a great day" I say as enter the kitchen. "I saw some of my friends and-" I stop when I see Camilla wiping tears away from her eyes. "what's wrong?" she turns around and I see she's been chopping onions "oh nothing vee I was just chopping onions. I like the outfit and your hair" I smile at the compliment "thank you. so anyway my friends from camp are going to be going to the same school as me isn't

that great" Camilla nodded "that's wonderful. vee could you set the table for dinner" I smile and nod and go to grab two plates and some silverware. I set the table and sit down a few minutes later Camilla comes in with food but she still has tears in her eyes i feel so guilty. after I finish eating I walk up to my room I check the cabinet and pull out a red back pack with a few different pins on it. one was yellow and had a black smiley face it looked like an emoji.

another one was blue with some sort of character on it. the last one was pink, purple and blue strips. I know I've seen that somewhere else but I cant pinpoint it. I shrug and pull it out of the closet, after I get dressed for bed and pull out a book I found downstairs on one of the shelfs. it called 'the fault in our stars' I start reading the book and after what felt like a few minutes I close the book and check the time. midnight how long was I reading for? I turn off my phone and fall asleep....

words:1059 8/31/2021 (edited 2/5/2022)

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