Claire 14#

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I smile as Luz falls asleep on my shoulder, my cheeks flush, she is really cute, why did I ever laugh at her for asking me out? she sleeps for an hour or two before I look down and see her skin start to get white spots, I tilt my head confused on what is happing, my eyes go wide whats going on? the side of her head starts to turn green and sprout ears like a fish, that freaked me out more than anything, I woke her up "Luz whats going on with your face?" she

touches her fish ears, I see tears come to her face, "I-I'm s-sorry C-Claire you had to s-see m-me like t-this" she said covering the green ears and crawing away from me embarssed and afriad. I swallow hard and start to speak "whats going on Luz?" I ask kind of scared, she sighs and uncovers her ears. "I'm not Luz, My real name is Vee" she continues to tell me shes a demon from the demon realm and the real Luz just got back that's why shes upset., she shows

me her real form and to my surprise I did get weird out it more suprised me, it actually made me love her more. love is that to strong of a word? we sit and talk about stuff she tells me her past and tells me she really wants to fit in with humans and live here buts she scared Camilla will kick her out. I feel sympathy for vee. that's when I remember. "wait are you the V from the bathroom?" i ask vee nods, my heart starts to beat more. "I'm C i mean i used C" I

say. Vee smiles "I'm glad it was you" she says making pink dust my face, she tells me shes the reason Duke left the school, I laugh that guy was a jerk it also explains why he broke up with me and showed me he deleted the pictures of me, we hear the door unlock and see the janitor standing there. "oh sorry girls did I lock you in there my apologies" he says, we both smile and walk out of the room, he didn't question the fish ears probally though it was costum

make up. which for our sake that's good, we walk to our lockers, I watch as vee eats some weird looking cards her ears went back to normal and eye when back to brown, "please don't tell anyone" she says to me, I smile and nod. "of course"  I say, she smiles, we walk outside and see its raining. "hey do you want a ride?" I ask she nods "yes please" she says, I laugh, we head to my car getting soaked with water, "i like that rain doesnt boil your skin here" she

says i give her a confused look, "what?' i ask she laughs "oh in the demon realm the rain hurts you" she says, i get an idea and clime out of my car, i walk over to her side and open the door, she gives me a confused faced but climes out into the rain, "come on" i say she laughs and follows me into the empty parking lot, we dance in the rain and catch it on our tounges, she smiles as she looks up at the sky, i bite my lip looking at her, she's werid and strange but

cute in her own way we evencaully clime in to my car still driping wet, I turn on girl in red, not many people know but I'm Bisexual I didn't come out to anyone but my brother a few week before his death, it makes me sad to think about him, but i think he would have liked vee. we stop in front of her house, she laughs "bye Claire" she says and shuts the door. your blowing it, I hop out of the car and run up too vee in the rain, "vee wait" I say she stops and turns and looks at me, I take my chance, I kiss her cheek "ok bye" i say quickly and leave her stun in the rain, I drive home with a smile on my face.

Vee's POV

what just happened. I'm standing in the rain, Claire just kissed me on the cheek. I smile I shriek "ekekekeke" Luz and Amity run out of the house. "whats wrong Vee" asks Luz. I turn around with a huge smile plastered on my face "my Juliet just kissed me on the cheek and I cant processes it" I say Amity and Luz laugh "come on lets get you cleaned up then you can tell me about this Juliet"Luz says.....

back to Claire

I park in the drive way and walk inside soaking wet, I walk in and see my parents asleep on the couch, I smile and turn off the tv, I walk upstairs to my sisters room is see her still awake huddled in the corner of her bed, "hey Lilly whats wrong" I say and sit on her bed she sighs "my teddy is scared of the rain" I smile "the rain cant hurt you, look I'm covered in it" i say earning a giggle "here how about I sit with you till you fall asleep" i say she smiled and

snugged next to me, even though i'm soaked, I started to hum a melody to get her to sleep, her small eyes start to shut till I hear soft snorting coming from her I place a blanket over her and leave the room, I head to the bathroom and get cleaned up before I lay in bed and feel my stomach grumble. I decide to

try to eat something, I find some pizza and slowly try to eat, I finish the one slice and feel life reenter my body. my brother may be gone but I have plenty of people who care about me I sigh and go off to bed.....

words 1015 ?/?/2021 (edited 2/11/2022)

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