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I get out of bed Monday morning and don't even try to look nice, I slip on a black hoodie and a pair of gray leggings I tie my hair up in a bun and walk downstairs, I told Camilla I would walk today, we were able to get more cards for me so I look normal but I didn't really care at this point. I've been feeling down since Luz called, I grab a cereal bar and walk out the door. I start to walk to school I pull my hood over my head as i approch the school. I

walk into class, hopping no one will say anything, Masha gives me a weird look "are you ok?" they asks. I shrug and try to pay attention to the lesson, the bell rings for the next class, as I walk someone grabs my arm and pulls me into an empty classroom. I hear the door shut and lock "ok Luz you are acting so weird first you leave in the middle of class the other day with spots on your face and comeback looking completely fine, when its time for luch you

alaways leave early to your locker,  the day after you said your sick but I saw you at the store, then you walk in all sad today what is going on?!" Masha yells. I feel my self get angry like how I got when Luz told me we were the same, they dont get it!!! "Masha I really want to tell you but I cant" i say tears starting to run down my face, they give me a hurt expression "friends are suppose to help friends not keep secret" they say and start to leave the room. I

close my hands into tight fists and lose it "fine you want to know whats wrong soo bad, I'm not suppose to be here my name isn't even Luz everything about me is a lie I don't look like this I look like a horrible monster that you would run away from if you saw and I though I could restart my life but no when the real Luz comes back I will be gone forgotten like all the others of my kind and everyone keeps saying they can help or that they understand no

you don't understand you cant help no one can" I say and change back to my basilisk form, Masha stands there shocked, I change into my half and half form and go sit in the corner of the room. I pull my knees to my chest and feel tears fall down my face. Masha comes over to sit next to me "aren't you going to run away screaming" I say they smile and shake their head "No I wont leave my friend" I smile and hug them, they smile "so whats your real name?

and where is the real Luz?" I relax a little "well my real name is Vee and the real Luz is in the demon realm with monsters witches and other stuff but she choose to stay there she doesn't like the human realm but I do, there's not something trying to kill you every corner you turn its nice but as soon as Luz get back I have to go back to that awful place" I say and sigh. Masha hugs me "I'm not going to let that happen" they say, we miss our next class before we

actully try to head to class, i wave bye and enter my classroom feeling a little better, I finish up my classes and head to drama to see only Claire in there "hey where is everyone?" i ask, she shrugs "I don't know but you and me need to practice line so chop, chop" she says with an egerness, we sit and practice lines for an hour until I get a call from Camilla, "hello mom" I say and smile "hey vee could you get a ride with a friend I have to work very late tonight" I

sigh and nod "yeah sure I'll try bye" I sigh and sit back down in the red chair. "who was that?' Claire asks. I sigh again "its was my mom she wants me to get a ride with someone but all my friends have left for the day" i say I look up at the celling before Claire taps me on the shoulder. "well I have my mom's car today I only have my permit but I don't think your house is to far from the school" she says, I smile we walk out together talking about the play and get

in her car, she drives me as we listen to music. "hey whats this song?" i ask she smiles "its bad idea by girl in red" I smile and nod we arrive at my house I
wave bye to Claire and walk inside. I sit on the couch and watch tv until I feel tired enough to fall asleep.....

words:840 9/4/2021 (edited 2/10/2022)

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