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I'm sitting in class for the last day of the week Friday, I cant wait to go home and not have to smile all weekend. V sent me a text that she's sick and cant come today, I was sad but told her to get some rest, class ended and I had to practice lines with the understudy today because Luz is sick as well as a few of my friends must be the flu or something I decide to walk home so I don't get sick, I walk to the park and sit on the swings enjoying the fresh air, that's \

when I see something shine behind a bush I walk over and pick it up its a bracelet of some sort, I slip it on and walk home I walk in the door to be met with my parents screaming at each other. I'm glad Lilly is staying at a friends house tonight. I lay in my bed and look at my phone this weekend is going to be crap. I look at the new bracelet on my wrist it is pretty In take it off and place it on my side table, I go to the bathroom and take a long hot shower as

well as clean my self up buy wiping off the fakeness. I put on my black hoodie and gray sweat pants to make my self look bigger so my parents don't ask those stupid questions, I fall onto my bed to take a short nap it turns into a 5 hour rest, I stand up and rub my head I check my phone and see a new follow request from a Ophelia Danvers. I click the profie and see that she is one of Luz's friends I roll my eyes and accept anyway, I hear my mom call me from

downstairs I drop my phone on my bed and walk to the kitchen. I smile "yes mom?" she had a sad look on her face so did my dad. "um come sit down sweet heart" I do as they say and sit in a corner of the couch. "so since your brother's passing we are planning on having a funeral sunday." I nod knowing its hard to talk about my brother "but also me and your father are going to try to go to counseling for our marriage. we think I would be best if you started

going to therapy" I try not to over react to what my dad is saying do I need therapy, probably does it scare me yep, have I told my parents countless times I don't need it when in reality I do absolutely,  "dad you know how I feel about going to therapy and I've told you countless times I'm fine see" I say smiling and trying to show I'm fine. they shrug "ok.... just know if you change your mind-" I smile "I will tell you, I'm going to bed goodnight" they smile and say

goodnight. I get up to my room and just pass out, my family is right I need to go its just I would make my brothers death seem so real i don't want that. I fall asleep and wake up the next morning "lets get this over with" I walk downstairs to an empty house I sigh and sit on the couch now I just have to wait for Monday...

words600 9/3/2021 (edited 2/7/2022)

hello so the next few chapters will be about vee then It will switch to Claire again I hope your enjoying the switching of POVs happy reading.....

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