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Its been a week the whole school still wont let it go, I've been told that I'm an idoit, people keep asking if its true, people stared giving  dirty looks, I'm siting in math when I get a text message the teacher isn't looking so I check it.

(unknown) your a girlfriend stealing bitch!

I give my phone a confused look before placing it back in my pocket, class ends and I hear my phone ding again.

(unknown) you should leave the school and never come back

(unknown) your a slut

I gave my phone another weird look I know these messeges are probally about me and claire but i dont reconise surtin words in the text, I shrug and don't let it bother me, I walk outside for lunch and join my friends, "hey" I say, they wave and smile I sit next to Trever and Abby, i deiced to bring up the texts I've been getting, "Umm....I keep getting these weird messages" i say out of the blue, they give me a confused look, I hand Ashton my phone they all look at

the messages and give each other a weird look, "what is it?" I ask "you don't know what cursing is?" Abby asks, I give her a confused look "cursing like spells?" i say they shake their heads, the four of them explain that someone is bullying me over text. "oh but those words didn't seem mean" i say Masha sighs "its probably best you don't know those words" they state. I eat my lunch until I see a blonde girl sitting under the football bleachers, "I'll see you

guys in class" I say watching where the girl went, I start to walk towards her, when i hear Claire start to cry, "hey are you ok?" i ask walking under the bleachers,  she turns towards me and frowns "you are the last person I want to see" she says and stands up walking away, "I want to help" I say she freezes in her step and turns slowly towards me "help? all you've done is make things worse you aren't helpful you don't belong here. I dont know what happend

to you and why you cant remmber anything about last year but you dont need to take it out on me, say it, say your werid and don't belong here" she says poking me in the chest, "I don't belong here" I say and sit on the ground it is true I don't belong in this human realm. Claire sighs and comes to sit next to me, "I know I don't fit in but I'm trying hard to. I know you hate me so I'll just go" I say and start to stand up. she grabs my wrist and sighs "I don't hate you

its just ever since you asked me out last year I haven't real had the best relationship with my friends and family I blame you when I shouldn't." she says, so that's why she hates me "well I- I have to get to class, bye Luz" she says and leaves, I stand there and think for a moment until I remember I have class. I run into science twenty minutes late lets just say the teacher wasn't pleased. I sit next to Abby they give me a confused look before she passes me a note. I look at her and unfold the note

where were you?

I pick up my pencil and write a responds

making aments

she gave me another confused look but didn't press further, Class ended and Drama was canceled because the teacher got sick, I walk to the football field to wait for my friends, but someone grabs me by the collar and drags me under the bleachers. "what the-" I see its Duke "leave my girlfriend alone otherwise your going to get hurt" he says trying to act all tough but i've had enough, I scoff its time for this boy to learn a lesson "you think you can hurt me?

I have to keep secrets I have been beating and in chains and you think a simple little teenage little boy like you can hurt a demon like me?" I change to my demon form, the boys eyes went wide and scared, "d-dont h-hut m-me i-i j-just-" he studders, I turned back to my human form and laugh, "and whos going to believe a bully like you that you saw a demon no one now go" I say causing the boy to run a mile a minute, I leave the bleachers and see my friends

heading my direction. "hey!" I say waving at them. "hey Luz why was Duke running like he just saw a ghost?" Trevor asks I smirk "I dealt with him" I say they give me a concerned look, I just shrug, and contiue to walk, they kept asking what i did but i refused to tell them. we walk down the street together to the ice cream shop.], I get their orders and walk inside the shop, I stop when I see who works there, "hey Claire" I say trying to be friendly she had pink

rise to her face, like shes embarssed I'm seeing her at work, I shrug "I would like two chocolate one mint a strawberry and hmmm what do you suggest" I ask because I've never really had ice cream before, I've had it once with Camilla but I havent since then, "ummm I think you should get cookies and cream its my favorite" she says pushing a peice of blonde hair behind her ear, I nod "ok and one cookies and cream" i say with a smile, I thank her and pay for

the ice cream, I walk outside and hand my friends there ice creams, Trever and Masha got chocolate. Abby ordered strawberry Ashton got mint and I took a bite of my cookies and cream, we eat our Ice cream and chat when someone taps me on the shoulder, I turn around and see Claire "hey Claire whats up?" i ask she smiles "I umm....can I hang out with you guys?" I look at the group they all shrug. "sure" i say, she smiles and pulls up a chair, "so this

boy named Edi very nerdy in my class he drops something in his project to make it shoot up but it didn't work so he looked over it and his rocket shot his head. everyone in the class burst into laughter as he was taken to the nurses office but still was given an A on his project. mean while me and Luz got a B+ for ours because it wasn't what he said to make, such a buzz kill, but thank you Masha for helping me and Luz" Abby says "no problem" Masha says, we

continue to talk about school and life but the whole time I kept looking at Claire she looked sad and distaint. I lean over and whisper in her ear "hey are you ok?" she shakes her head,  I take her hand and sneak away from the group, I take us around the side of the building, "whats wrong?" I ask she shrugs "I don't fit in with anyone" she says I smile "guess what no one in that group fits in anywhere. Masha is into shiny rocks that provide healing and power,

Trever didn't have any friends till he met me and the others he said he most of the time just played video games in his room, Ashton is never called by their right pronouns by their family or teachers, Abby has two moms and gets bullied for it or used to, and I well I probably fit in the least" I say she smiles "thanks Luz I need that" she says i hug her and feel her grip tighten, after a few minutes, we walk back to the table. Masha smirks "what were you two

doing, making out?" causing Claire to turn pink and me just to be confused. "no we were just talking" i say very conufused, Masha smacks their forehead before going back to the conversation, we eventually go to our sepreat homes, I walk in the door and walk up stairs being careful not to wake up Camilla. I lay in my bed and look at my texts I see C has texted me.

(C) hey V I was wondering if you would want to meet in person?

I smile

(V) I would love to, see you at school

I smile nothing can ruin how I feel, I hear the door bell ding I run down stairs and open the door my face drops from a smile to surprise.....

words: 1468 9/5/2021 (edited 2/11/2022)

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