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I'm going to use copy and paste for the play lines so yeah that's just how its going to be*

http://shakespeare.mit.edu/romeo_juliet/full.html this is the website I used

the next day I walk into school and head to class like normal,  I got a text last night from Masha that they found out Duke set off the fire alarm and is now suspended for a week, I smirk my job is done I'm just suprised it took this long to 'find' the colpret, I sit down next to Masha and smile today might be a good day, I go through my classes one after the other, during Lunch I go to the bathroom and run into Claire. "Look Luz I don't know what your little game

is but just because your playing Romeo dose not mean were friends got it?" she says, whats gotten into her. she pushes me against the wall and walks out. "I guess I spoke too soon" I sigh and stand up. I hear a ding come from my phone I pull it out and see there's a text from Ashton. it reads.

(Ashton) hey Luz you might want to check Instagram

I give my phone a confused look before switching to Instagram, that's when I saw it all over my for you page pictures of me and Claire listing to music in the car it wasn't bad till I read the comments. "ha when does Claire hang out with luzer" I keep scrolling they just get worse "is Claire having second thoughts?" that one made me confused, "Luz and Claire dating? this great no more queen bee" what do they mean by us dating were not. I turn off my

phone and start to walk to drama as people stare at me, I feel uncomfortable so I hide in an empty classroom. there I hear crying? I look over and see
someone had the same idea as me, I cant see there face but I don't want to bother them so I stay silent. "V is that you?" the person asks. I realize who it is even if I cant see them from behind the wall. "yeah its me, whats wrong" I hear her sigh "I've just been having a bad day first my boyfriend hurt me for

hanging out with someone that I want to be friends with but cant. then my parents called and yelled at me for an hour about my grades slipping. lastly all my friends left me and now I have no one" I hear her cry. I feel sympathy for C and I though I was having a bad day. "well you always have me" I say in a cheery voice, I hear a small laugh come from the girl. "well I have to go to class text me if you need to" I close my eyes and walk out the door into an empty

hallway. I walk off to the drama room five minutes late for class my teacher wasn't happy. "now that almost everyone is here I need my Lady Capulet and my Capulet to come to the stage" Abby stands up looking nervous I give her a thumbs up as she starts to read her script she smiles.


What noise is this? Give me my long sword, ho!


A crutch, a crutch! why call you for a sword?


My sword, I say! Old Montague is come,

And flourishes his blade in spite of me.

"good job Hugo and Abby now were going to flip forward to entering Romeo" I walk up to the stage everyone giving me side glares, "also Abby could you read the lines of Benvolio for me till I cast the part" my teacher said as Abby tries to exit the stage, she nods and we begin.


Is the day so young?


But new struck nine.


Ay me! sad hours seem long.

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