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the weekend flew by in a flash I look at the clock Monday morning I happen to wake up before my alarm. I turn off my alarm and hop out of bed ready for school. I slip on a yellow shirt and some black jeans before walking to the bathroom I look at myself in the mirror. "you will do great today" I tell myself, I walk downstairs and head to the kitchen. I pour myself a bowl of cereal and a few of my cards for extra magic boost. a few minutes later Camilla comes

downstairs "hello mom" I say, she smile "morning vee" I smile and finish my breakfast quickly, I run up stairs and grab my backpack, Camilla gave me school supplies yesterday so I'm set. "we don't have to leave for another hour" I sigh and nod I sit on the couch and pull out my phone. I see I have a text from Masha.

(Masha) good morning Luz are you ready for hell? (:

I look at my phone confused we aren't going to hell right? but I choose to go along with it.

(Luz) yep totally ready

I turn off my phone and watch some tv. after a little while me and Camilla leave, while we sit in the car I stare out the window and smile ready for the day. "umm vee?" I turn to Camila "yes?" I answer. she sighs "If any of the kids give you a hard time tell me also go to the office when you first get there and
grab your schedule and a map-"I nodded listening to all the stuff she was saying "-also don't take any drugs or anything from people don't get in a car with

a stranger just be carful ok?" I smile and nod "I will be very carful" she smiles, we park in a parking lot of a big building it had brick walls and a red roof and a bunch of humans around my age started to enter it. I guess this is school I say to myself, I wave goodbye to Camilla and open the car door. "first day you got this" I pull out my phone and text Masha I was here, a few minutes later I saw them exit the building. "hey Luz you ready" I smile and nod. we

walk to the office grabbing the papers we needed. "look we have first and last period together" I smile. this is going to be fine we enter the class room labeled 208 I sit next to Masha a little scared on my first day. but no your Luz, Luz has gone to this school her whole life Luz isn't afraid of some high schoolers right? "ok class I'm Mr. Blake we will do a quick revue over the whole lesson then I want you to do your own revue at home lets begin" I try to

understand the subject but I'm completely lost what's x and how do I find it this is getting confusing. after that hour past I said bye to Masha as I walk to my next class. History I find the classroom number 306. "excuse me is this the History room" I ask the tall red head woman. she smiles "yes it is can you tell me your name" I nod "its v-Luz" I say quickly trying to avoid problems. "well Luz just go pick a seat this is my first day too" I smile and find a seat in the

empty class room, a few minutes past and the class starts to fill with students. I see Trever I wave, he smiles and comes to sit next to me, "now class I'm Mrs. Williams I'll be your new History teacher for the semester" I smile and listen she starts to talk about the past like someone called a presidents and the invention of the telephone, I actually understood most of it, after another hour I start to walk the halls to my third and forth class. on the way to my fourth

class I crash into someone. "Oh I'm sorry let me help you" the girl was in a bright uniform, her eyes were a beautiful blue. she had blonde hair with a pink streak. "watch where your going luser" the girl said in a harsh tone. I stand up and stick out my hand "hi I'm Luz" I say the girl scoffs "I know who you are don't you remember" I tilt my head "no remember what?" the girl rolls her eyes. "never mind Luser" she said then hit my books out of my hand and walked

away, well that was weird, I shrug and pick up my books and walk to class. after fourth period I walk with Ashton to lunch. I follow him to a table in the back, I pull out a lunch bag that Camilla gave me yesterday. I lay out my food and slowly start to eat while listening to the other's conversation. "who do you have for math?" Ashton asked "me and Luz have Mr. Blake" Masha replies "oh he gives the hardest tests I had him last year I barley pasted" Ashton

conclude "Luz how's your day so far" Aston asks. I shrug "ok I ran into someone earlier they acted really weird" the three teens gave me a confused look "like weird as in didn't like you or weird as in crazy" Trever asks "the first one" they all nod. soon lunch was over and it was back to class. I had a free sixth period so I decided to look for an activity. I walk to the activity bored.

Chess club



Event planning



the last one had me intrigued I look at the sheet and sigh up it could be fun. I find the Drama room a big room full of soft red chairs and a big stage, I see other students sit in the front this could be fun I take a seat in the front next to an empty seat. "Hello my class you are here to learn about the art of acting we will be preforming Romeo and Juliet but before we get into details let us interduce ourselves I'm miss Rain and I've been teaching drama for seven

years, now your turn miss" the lady said pointing at me. I stand up and look at everyone "h-hi I-I'm Luz" Imminently sit backdown. "its ok to be scared ok next" she moved on to another girl down the isle. I look at her a recognize her its the girl I ran into in the hall. I shrink even more in my seat this was a terrible idea once class ended I ran out of the school. I hid till Camilla showed up I clime into the car and relax a bit. "how was your first day vee" sigh and

smile "It was fine" I say and lay in the chair, we drive back to the house and I flop onto my bed "no wonder Masha called it hell" I slowly fall asleep on my pillow hopping tomorrow will be better.....

Poor vee

word:1210 9/1/2021 (edited 2/5/2022)

I finished this at 2:00am

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