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*disclaimer I was only in drama for a year and we only did a Christmas play so if you hate the reputation suck it up also all the lines are from google*

"now class we are going to cast our characters, now because it is the twentieth century we were going to let anyone play any roll they want if you want to be Romeo you can, If you want to be Juliet you can auditions to be her too it just comes down to how good you play the roll now began starting with A Abby come to the stage" I watch as a girl with red hair down her back stands up and dusts off her white shirt and jeans, she climes the stage and stands

next to the mic, "I want to audition for the part of Juliet" she says in a peppy voice, the teacher smiles "proceed" she said her lines in the most out going way she can. I smile shes good, "next" the teacher says, after a few people go to the stage Claire enters the stage I don't know why but my eyes are drawn to her, her confident attiute, a smile i could tell was fake, and the pink in her hair standing out more than anything "now read your lines" the teacher says

I watch Claire take a deep breath "Deny thy father and refuse thy name, Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I'll no longer be a Capulet" I watch her lips move and listen to her voice. "very good Claire, you are in the running, ok next" around ten minutes later, I hear my name I walk up on stage and stare at all the other students "Ok Luz are you going to audition for Juliet?" I shake my head and smile "actually for Romeo" I hear the student gasp some

good gasps some 'omg did she just' gasps, I shrink slightly but brush it off. my teacher smiles "ok go ahead" I smile as I read the lines on the page "Good Night, Good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow." I say in my most confident tone I feel as through no one is there just me saying these lines into a mirror, it isnt my first time playing a roll, after reading the second half of the page. my teacher and a few students

clap "very good Luz you may get the part you want" I smile and sit down in my seat, Abby comes and sits next to me "you did great Luz" I smile "thank you" we finish the auditions and wait for class to be dismissed, "ok so I'm not going to make you wait till tomorrow for your parts here's the list read it when you get home and each of you will get your scrips tomorrow ok class is dismissed" I smile and fold the paper I place it in my pocket I walk out the doors

until I feel someone tap me on the shoulder, I turn around and see Abby "oh hey Abby what's up?" she smiled "could I come hang out with you and your friends I don't have any of my own, and you all seem so cool" she says, I smile and nod "of course lets go their waiting outside", we both walk outside to the big tree we decided to meet under after school. "hey, this is Abby she was wondering if she could join us" I say, they all nod we sit in a circle and talk

about our day. "so Abby what are your pronouns" Masha asks, Abby smile "oh there she/they and I'm also bisexual" my friends smile and nod I give them a confused look but they don't seem to notice mental note look up what bi is and what pronouns are, I walk home today because Camilla is working late. I open the door and head straight to the computer, "what is bisexual" I wait for the results, up pops up this "sexually attracted not exclusively to people of

one particular gender; attracted to both men and women" and a pink purple and blue flag. I remember seeing that somewhere, "my backpack" I run over to the red bag and look at the pin its the same colors "Luz must be bi" I think about it for a moment. "am I Bi?" I go back to the computer and click on a list of different sexuality's, after awhile I get hungry, I head to the kitchen and grab a snack before turning on the tv, I walk back over to the computer and

shut it down after i pick up my bag and take it up stairs with me I look at the pin. I decide to take it off till I figure myself out, I place the pin in the drawer. I fall onto my bed and fall asleep if Luz ever comes back I'll ask her.....

words:848 9/2/2021 (edited 2/6/2022)

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