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I sit in the bathroom stall waiting for V I cant wait to hear her. the door opens and I hear a voice "C, C are you in here?" I smile "Yeah" she comes and sits next to the stall, we talk for the next ten minutes before class starts "so how's your family?" I ask I hear her sigh "well my family died a long time ago and I'm living with someone else who isn't related" she says. I hear a small sob escape I sickout my hand that doesn't have any bracelets and rings on it. I fell

the girl grip my hand. she places my hand on her leg. I keep it there till she calms down. "thank you I don't know when the last time I cried was" I hear her give me a small laugh, I keep my hand on her leg till its time for class, V leaves first and I leave five minutes after her. I put on a fake smile as I head to class, "hey Babe guess whos back?" I turn around and see my jerk of a boyfriend the only reason I'm dating him is because hes is threating to show my

nudes to the whole school and I cant have that happen, not after my brother death. I put on my acting face "Your back!" I say in thee most annoying voice ever and hug the asshole, during class I sit next to Duke per his request. every so often he pitches me in my butt, he squezzes my thight and once on the edge of my boob. this guy is a pervert to say the least, after class I head to my study hall hour that I spend in gym for cheer practice, as I do a flip in the

empty gym I spot something peculiar. I watch as Luz runs into the janitors closet but not just Luz as her normal self, she had white spots on her face maybe she got sprayed with paint?. I decide to ignore it and continue to practice my flips, not to long after she leaves the closet, she looks completely fine, weird I pack up my things and walk to my last class of the day Drama, I take drama not only because I like it but also because it the only place I can be myself

only a few of my friends are here, Duke would never enter this class room even if his life deepened on it, and my parents don't know I'm taking this class so I don't have to see them. don't get me wrong I love my parents It just there are specific things I would like to stay under the surface. "now class can I have my Romeo and Juliet come to the me and the rest start practicing lines or working on sets thank you" all the other kids got up and left for backstage while

me and luz moved to go sit upfront, "now girls since you are going to be 'together' for the show I want you to practice your lines together ok?" Mrs Rain says, me and Luz nod. even if I don't want to be her friend I'm gong to act professional. "Luz lets get one thing straight we are not friends and will never be but for the time being we are going to be working together so lets act professional ok?" she nod "ok" she says. we start to go through line making fun of

how we say some words different from the script, I smile like a real smile, maybe Luz isn't so bad after all "well I have to go my friends want to meet so bye Claire" I wave bye and watch the girl in yellow leave the classroom, I pack up my things and head home, before Duke can catch me. I hop on the bus and get to my destination with out a problem, I walk into an empty house and sigh "another shity ass day completed" I say and walk into the kitchen. I pull out

some food before thinking "I'm not hungry" I place the food back in the fridge and grab a glass of water instead, I walk up stairs and play a few games on my phone before switching to Instagram, I scroll down on cat memes and cooking videos till I come across a picture of Luz and her friends it was posted five minutes ago. at least she has real friends I decide to click the follow request not even sure she would respond. she did! I look at my phone and it says your follow request has be excepted. why am I so happy about this, I check my DM's and see her typing

(Luz) Hey Claire I'm not sure you will read this but just wanted to say you'll make a great Juliet see you tomorrow (:

I hug my phone maybe I'll have a real friends. "wait no me and Luz aren't friend not after what happened last year" I plug my phone in, and head to my youngest sister's room. "hey Lilly" she smiles Lilly is only 6 and doesn't understand that our brother is gone but she's to little for me to explain that to her "Hey Claire do you want to play dolls" I smile and nod. I'm not going to waste a second with you. we play till dinner then head down stairs to a very quiet

dinner. "Claire why haven't you eaten any of the food" My dad ask. I shrug "sorry I had a big lunch and a snack when I got home" both of those were lies I haven't eaten anything all day but its been kind of hard to eat with my brother/best friend gone. "well ok go do your home work and then straight to bed

just don't ruin you appetite for tomorrow ok?" I nod and put on a fake smile, I walk up to my room and sigh as I hit the bed, after an hour or two I fall asleep and wish I was the one in that stupid car crash.....

words:1035 9/3/2021 (edited 2/6/2022)

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