Chapter 19: An apology

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It was time to apologize to Rosie. There was nothing else to do. I was mean to her. And I missed her. I had missed her friendship for so long. And Hope was right. This wasn't how I wanted our friendship to end.
The next day at practice, I searched for the right time to apologize to Rosie, but there was no time. It was a filming day, and we were really busy, and I sort of forgot. I remembered on the drive home that I forgot to apologize to her. I will next time, I told myself.
At the next practice, I was having trouble apologizing to Rosie. I didn't have the right words. So I went to Lexi.
I hadn't really told anyone about our fight. I assumed that some people already new, but whatever. It was just as much Rosie's fault as mine.
But I needed help apologizing. And I knew that Lexi would help me.
I walked over to her. "Hey, Lexi, can we talk?" "Sure," she replied.
We sat down outside in the grass and started talking. "Well, I don't know if you know, but Rosie and I got in a fight." I explained the whole story to her. "Well, I think you should just say you're sorry," Lexi advised. "Maybe she wants to be friends with you again too, but she doesn't know how to apologize to you. And maybe something else is going on. You know, with her family. Just apologize. You need Rosie. And Rosie needs you.". "Thanks," I said. "I'm gonna apologize tonight."
We did a workout that night. We were all really sweaty and tired by the end. We were all drinking water and just hanging out afterwards, and I decided that was the perfect time to apologize to Rosie. I walked up to her.
"Hey," I said. "Um, hey," she replied. I suddenly realized how nervous Rosie was too. It must be weird for her to talk to me now after we had shunned each other for so long.
"I just wanted to apologize. For you know, everything. I'm really sorry. I get it if you don't want to be friends anymore. But I miss you! You're so awesome, and I'm so sorry that I said that about you."
I was scared when Rosie hesitated for a second. I just stood there for a second in the silence.
"I forgive you," she said. "And I'm sorry too. I was mean to you. And it's not you-" she started tearing up a little. "It's my sister. I hadn't heard from her in a couple months, when we got an email from her saying that she'd be he for Christmas. I was so happy! Then she never showed up. I feel like she just walked out on our family because she doesn't love me. In general I'm a pretty happy person. But this just tore me apart. It's not that I was that mad at you. I was mad at the world. I was mad at my sister. Usually I'd go to you about something like this, but I was still kinda mad at you, so I didn't know what to do. I finally went to Sierra, and she sort of helped me get through it." She was full on crying by now, and we were hugging.
So that was what Rosie was talking to Sierra about. Her sister. Not me.
"It's ok," I said. "Don't worry. And I love you. You're mom does. All of your friends do. You're such an awesome person, and you have tons of friends who love you, so don't worry about your sister. And we shouldn't be mad at each other anymore. So what do you say? Friends again?"
"Friends again!" she replied, and we hugged again.
That night we went to frozen yogurt, and I got my favorite, chocolate with rainbow sprinkles.

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