chapter eight.

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"Amazing! Amazing!" Neville said as he picked up some sort of weed from the lake.

"Neville! You're doing it again!" Harry yelled at him impatiently.

"That was a bit harsh Harry, Neville is just excited." Y/n said rolling her eyes then turning to Neville and smiling at him. Neville gave a grateful smile then turned back to the lake.

"Magical water plants of the highland Lochs?" Harry questioned to Neville while reading the title of a book.

"Moody gave it to me. The day we had tea."

Y/n saw Neville waving and turned around to see Hermione, Ron, and Ginny walking towards them.

Harry looks at Y/n with question written all over his face.

"Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid was looking for you." Hermione said rather quickly.

"Is that right?" Harry thought for a moment and realized he didn't understand a word she just said.

"Well.... what?" Harry questioned.

"Uhhh." Hermione turns around and talks to Ron again.

"I don't understand why the bloke can't just tell you himself." Y/n whispered to Harry.

Hermione comes back to Y/n and Harry.

"Dean was told by Parvati that.... Please don't ask me to say it again. Hagrid's looking for you."

"Well you can tell Ronald-" Harry began but was cut off.

"I'M NOT AN OWL." Hermione yelled at Hermione and walked away with Ron and Ginny.

"Look what you and Ron did. Finally got Hermione Granger to snap." Y/n said.

Y/n said her goodbyes to Harry and Neville as she walked away from the lake. Something about Y/n is she likes to be alone sometimes to just hear herself think. 

Y/n always go to a certain spot almost every day when she has the opportunity. This spot is in a small little forest just in the back of Hogwarts. 

She went exploring one day and found a tree with a little chair swing, now that's her "secret hideout." Which isn't much of a secret anymore.

As she approaches the tree she already sees someone sitting there. Getting a little nervous to see who it is, she finally reaches the swing.

"Mattheo? What are you doing here?" 

"What are you doing here?" Mattheo repeats.

"Blimey is there an echo in here? You have seemed to say the same thing I just asked." Y/n said in a sarcastic tone. 

"I always come here, what makes you think you can just come along and take my spot?" Mattheo said quite rudely. 

"Your spot? That's funny. I've been coming here since first year!" Y/n said getting a little too defensive about her spot.

"Okay fine fine I followed you here." Mattheo said quite camly like it wasn't a weird thing to say. 

"You followed me? And why is that?" Y/n asked eagerly.

"I need to talk to you." Mattheo said seriously looking up from his book finally.  

"About what? If this is about our little dat-" Y/n was cut off. 

"It's about your father." Mattheo said quickly. 

When Y/n heard that from Mattheo her stomach dropped.

"My- My father? What could you know about him?" 

"I was doing a little digging to help you find out who your dad is." Mattheo said blushing a little. 

"To help me? Mattheo helping me? That's a phrase I never thought I would hear before." Mattheo rolled his eyes. 

"Your father died in the hands of- of my father." Mattheo said looking away ashamed. 

Y/n was waiting for him to go on. 

"There was a horcrux. It was a necklace that had my father's "soul" in it or something of the sort. Your father was a death eater." 

Y/n couldn't believe what she was hearing. 

"He didn't want to be my fathers slave anymore so he tried to destroy it but-" Mattheo couldn't finish the rest.

"But what? Mattheo tell me!" Y/n said feeling tears in her eyes. 

"He died trying to destroy the necklace." 

Silence was all she could hear in her ears. Why didn't Remus and Sirius tell her about this?

"Do you know his name." Y/n said in a shaky voice. 

"What?" Mattheo said looking up to see Y/n crying.

"Tell me his name!" Y/n said finally breaking. 

Mattheo paused before saying his name. 

"Regulus Black." 


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