chapter twelve.

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Walking around the courtyard Y/n noticed everyone was at the stadium in which the first task was taking place. Almost everyone.

"Oi! Y/n!" Y/n turned around to see none other than the Draco Malfoy up against a wall.

Y/n chooses to ignore him and walks away. 

"Hello!? It's not very polite to ignore someone who is talking to you." Draco says following her. 

"Ha! What do you know about being polite?" Y/n says to Draco not turning around. 

Just then Draco decided he has had enough and grabs Y/n by her forearm.

"Get your filthy hands off me!" Y/n says to Draco finally turning around.

"Finally you turned around." Draco says and fake sighs.

"Look all I wanted to say is to give Mattheo a chance." Draco says.

"What's this? Is Draco giving me advice? I guess pigs really have grown wings." Y/n says in a sarcastic tone. 

"He just seems really into is all and I don't want you to hurt my best friend." Draco says with a mischievous grin. Draco just really wants to win this bet, otherwise he would be seen as a loser. 

Y/n has never had the feeling to hurt Mattheo. Though they haven't talked as much as she would like, Y/n wouldn't want to hurt Mattheo. 

"Hey what's going on here?" Y/n and Draco turn around to see Mattheo panting and the picnic basket in one hand. 

"Oh nothing you need to worry about, trust me she is all yours." Draco says to Mattheo and throws a wink at Y/n. Y/n mentally gagged at this but kept a straight face. 

Draco begans walking away leaving Mattheo and Y/n alone once again. 

"What did he say to you?" Mattheo says urgently afraid of his secret getting out. 

"Godric, nothing important. Now if you will excuse me." Y/n says trying to walk away. This time Mattheo was fast enough to get in front of Y/n.

"Ah Ah you aren't getting away this time love." Mattheo says while smirking.

"What is it that you need? I told you already I am going to the first task I have to be there with Harry

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"What is it that you need? I told you already I am going to the first task I have to be there with Harry." Y/n said blushing slightly.

"Oh but I love to see you blush." Mattheo said brushing a piece of Y/n's hair behind her ear. Y/n wasn't going to allow him to have this hold on her. She grabs his hand and looks him straight in the eye.

"Stop it. I know what you are doing." Y/n says and seeing Mattheo's face look scared as he brings his hand back.

"Is that what Draco told you?" Mattheo said. 

"What? No this isn't about Draco. I know you are trying to get a hold on me but I won't have it. As you may have all these girls wrapped around your fingers I won't be one of them." Y/n says walking away towards the stadium. 

"Oh this is going to be hell." Mattheo says under his breath. 


Y/n walks in the tent to see Harry pacing nervously. 

"Oh thank Merlin, Y/n you are here." Harry goes to hug Y/n. Naturally she hugs him back but sees a flash of light. 

"Young love! Ohh how.. stirring. If everything goes unfortunately today you might make the front page." Rita Skeeter says to the two. 

"You have no business here. This tent is for champions and friends." Victor Krum back to Rita.

"No matter. We've got what we wanted." Rita says walking out with her nose in the air.

Y/n then grabs Harry by the shoulders and looks him in the eye. 

"Harry you are going to be fine. You are the chosen one for a reason. You defeated You know Who. What's a dragon right?" Y/n says a bit nervous herself. 

"Y/n what if my broom won't come in time, what if-" Harry was cut off. 

"Enough with the what if's! You are Harry James Potter! Now go out there, don't die, and kick ass!" Y/n yells at Harry. 

"Ms. Lupin! That is quite foul language!" Y/n heard she turns around to see Dumbledore and Barty Crouch. 

"I suspect you shall be getting to your seat." Barty says to Y/n. 

Y/n walks out embarrassed and tries to find a seat. Seeing as Ron is still mad at Y/n for choosing Harry's side she isn't going to sit with him and it looks as if Hermione is with him as well, so Y/n just finds an empty seat.  

"Just couldn't say away from me could you?" Mattheo says to Y/n.

Y/n jumps slightly not even seeing Mattheo beside her. 

"Oh please, I'll just find another seat." Y/n says standing up but feels Mattheo tug on her arm. 

"No, stay." He says with stern eyes. Y/n didn't know if it was the look in Mattheo's eyes or the fact there was no other seats but she sat back down next to Mattheo. 

Y/n and Mattheo watched the first three in silence, not saying a word to each other. 

"Three of our champions have now faced their dragons and so each one of them will proceed to the next task. And now our fourth and final contestant." Y/n heard over a loudspeaker. 

Y/n begins to see feel anxious and starts shaking her leg. Mattheo noticed this and put his hand on her thigh while rubbing his finger back and forth in hopes to calm her down. 

Y/n noticed this and looked at Mattheo but he simply was just looking forward with no facial expression. Y/n decides not to move his hand seeing as the movement of his hand is helping her calm down. 

Harry comes out and starts fighting a big dragon. He seems to run towards the egg and the dragon notices this and comes towards Harry. Harry then run behinds a rock. 

"Harry! Your wand!" Both Hermione and Y/n yell. Y/n looks down at the stand and makes eye contact with Hermione and they both smile at each other. 

Harry then yells 'Accio!' and disappears on his FireBolt. 

"Great now we can't see Harry get killed by that dragon." Mattheo says.

Quickly Y/n turns and hits Mattheo on the shoulder.

"OW! I'm joking! He will be fine don't worry." Mattheo says rubbing his shoulder. 

"Yeah I'm sure he will be." Y/n says again shaking her leg. Again Mattheo rests his hand there to keep her calm. 

Then they see from a distant Harry coming towards the arena at lighting speed heading for the egg with no dragon in sight. Everyone is now jumping up and cheering for Harry, including Y/n and Mattheo. 

In the moment Y/n was so happy she turns and hugs Mattheo. A little shocked Mattheo hugs her back with his hands on her waist. Once Y/n realizes what she's done she pushes Mattheo back lightly. 

"I'm sorry I just got so happ-" Y/n was cut off because Mattheo hugged her again. Taken aback but not wanting to let go Y/n hugs him back.

"Please let's just stay like this a little longer." Mattheo thought he was only hugging her because Draco and Pansy were watching them when really he's longed for a hug. He's longed for this sort of comfort. 

But to hide his true feelings for the hug he smirks at Draco and gives him a thumbs up. 

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