chapter thirteen.

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"What's going on here?" Y/n heard from behind her. She turns around to see Hermione and Ron looking at both Mattheo and her curiously.

Y/n breaks apart from Mattheo quickly.

"Oh nothing I tripped and he caught me is all." Y/n said trying to hide her blush.

"Y/n we saw you lot hug. Twice might I add." Ron says to them quite rudely.

"Even if we were hugging passionately, it would be none of your business Weasley." Mattheo says rapping his arm around Y/n's shoulder.

Y/n elbowed Mattheo in the stomach. Though Ron, Hermione, and Y/n weren't talking at the moment, she wouldn't let anyone talk back to her friends.

"Mattheo shut u-" Y/n started but was cut off.

"Wow Y/n first you believe our so called 'friend' Harry for not putting his name in the goblet, and now you are dating a low life Slytherin? Why did you have to go this low." Ron says to Y/n in her face.

Mattheo then steps in front of Y/n and slightly pushes Ron back away from Y/n.

"Don't get that close to her Weasley." Mattheo said in a serious tone.

"Or what are you going to hit me?" Ron said stepping closer to Mattheo.

"If your that close to Y/n, yea I will." Mattheo said.

"Is that a threat Riddle?" Ron says back.

"It's a promise." Mattheo says.

It become quiet between the four of them as Mattheo and Ron were just staring a hole in each other's heads.

"Alright you two that's quite enough." Hermione says breaking the silence.

"Yea I believe it is, let's go Mattheo." Y/n said grabbing Mattheo's hand and walking away from the two.

"Where are we going?" Mattheo asks.

"Anywhere, I just don't want to be around Ron right now after what just happened." Y/n continues walking toward the Black Lake.

Arriving there she picks up some rocks and starts to throw them at the water.

"What are you doing?" Mattheo questions.

"Trying to skid the rocks." Y/n said not stopping.

"Well your doing it wrong." Mattheo says while picking up a rock and waking towards Y/n.

"Look take this rock. It's perfect because it's flat on both sides." Mattheo adds.

Y/n grabs the rock from Mattheo, feeling him walk behind her.

"Alright lean back like this." Mattheo said putting one hand on her waist.

"Then bend your hand back like this slightly." Mattheo puts his other hand on her hand with the rock.

"And throw." At that moment Mattheo slightly pushed Y/n's hand allowing her to release the rock and watch it skid perfectly.

"Huh. Who would have thought." Y/n said look at the lake.

"Who would have thought what?" Mattheo questioned.

"That Mattheo Riddle would be teaching me how to skid a rock." Y/n said turning to Mattheo.

"Ah. Not to fond of the dark lords son teaching you how to skid a rock I see." Mattheo said clicking his tongue.

"What? That's not what I said." Y/n said a little angry he assumed.

"Yea but it's what you thought. It's what everybody things."

"Well I'm not everybody. You see I don't judge people basted off their blood status, or there parents. But thank you for assuming Riddle." Y/n said walking away not really wanting to talk to Mattheo anymore.


Y/n walks into the Gryffindor common room seeing Harry on top of the twins shoulders, and everyone around them screaming.

"We knew you wouldn't die Harry!" George screamed.

"Lose a leg!" Fred continues.

"Or an arm!"

"Pack it in altogether!"

"Never!" They both scream.

Y/n begans walking in the back of the crowd towards Hermione.

"This looks quite ridiculous doesn't it." Y/n said slightly pushing Hermione back.

"It certainly does, I was simply trying to study but then they all-" Hermione stops and finally turns and sees Y/n.

Y/n and Hermione haven't talked in ages. Being that the two are best friends. They missed each other.

"Oh Y/n!" Hermione says hugging her.

"I've been going crazy just being with Ron all the time! I've missed you!"

"Oh Mione, I've missed you too!" She says hugging her back.

All of a sudden there was a loud screech and Y/n sees Harry now on the ground, standing on his feet covering his ears along with everyone else.

"What the bloody bell was that?" Everyone turns to Ron standing in the doorway.

"Alright everyone, go back to your knitting. This is gonna be uncomfortable enough without all you nosey sods listening in." Fred says making everyone go.

" I reckon you'd have to be barking mad to put your own name in the goblet of fire." Ron says to Harry.

"Caught on have you. Took you long enough." Harry said being a little petty.

"Wasn't just me who thought you'd done it. Everyone was saying it behind your back."

"I certainly was not." Y/n said butting in.

"Yes I'm aware." Ron says turning back to Harry.

"Brilliant. That makes me feel loads

"At least I warned you about the dragons." Ron states.

"Hagrid warned me about the dragons."  Harry responds.

"Oh no no, I did. Don't you remember? I told Hermione to tell you that Seamus told me that Parvati told Dean that Hagrid was looking for you. Seamus never actually told me anything, so it was really me all along. I thought you'd be alright, you know, after you figured that out."  Ron explained.

Y/n gave Hermione a 'Is he serious look'.

"Who could possibly figure that out? That's completely mental." Harry says laughing a bit.

"Yeah it is isn't it. Suppose I was a bit distraught." Ron admits scratching his neck.

"Boys." Both Hermione and Y/n say at the same time.

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