chapter forteen.

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Y/n looks up to see Harry sort of spit out his drink.

She follows his eyes and sees him looking at Cho Chang. One of the most beautiful girls at Hogwarts.

"Oi Harry got a little something there." Y/n said wiping the corners of her mouth in signal to clean himself up.

"Look at this! I can't believe she's done it again!" Hermione says out loud handing the newspaper to Y/n.

Y/n reads -  Miss Lupin a plain but ambitious girl  seems to be developing a taste for  wizards. Her latest prey sources report is none other than Cedric Diggory. No word yet on how Harry Potter's taking this latest emotional blow.

"Oh so she wants to get punched in the face?" Y/n said slamming her hand on the table.

"Never thought of you to be a whore Y/n." She turns around to see Draco Malfoy standing with his posse.

"Excuse me?" Y/n said.

"You heard me. You've got Diggory, Potter, and Riddle. Isn't one enough for you?" Draco says with a smirk and his friends laughing.

Y/n runs out of the dining hall with tears down her face.

Of course she would bump into none other  than Mattheo Riddle.

"Hey hey what's wrong?" Mattheo says grabbing Y/n by her shoulders gently.

The look he gave her was as if he was actually concerned about her which made her feel safe.

"Why don't you go and ask ferret over there

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"Why don't you go and ask ferret over there." Y/n said walking away.

Mattheo's Pov

I watched as Y/n walked away. Anger took over me as I watched Draco, Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle laugh at Y/n.

I walked towards Draco and pushed him slightly.

"What in Merlin's name did you tell Y/n?" I questioned.

Ron, Harry, and Hermione watched from a distance after seeing what happened.

"I told her the truth." Draco said with a smirk.

"What truth." I said looking around afraid he might have told her about the bet.

"That she's a whore." Draco said shrugging his shoulders.

I stopped and glared at Draco. Anger rising.

"Say that again." I said watching Draco gulp.

"Say. That. Again." With every word I took a step closer to Draco.

"She's a who-" Draco was cut off by my fist hitting his jaw.

"She's a who-" Draco was cut off by my fist hitting his jaw

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(let's just say that draco.)

After one punch I walked away not wanting to get in trouble.

As I walked Ron, Harry, and Hermione followed me but I payed no attention to them.

"Oi Riddle." Ron yelled.

I turned around in the corridor.

"What?" I said shaking my fist in pain.

Ron and Harry stuttered a bit struggling to speak to me.

"Thank you, for sticking up for Y/n when we couldn't." Hermione said standing up for them three.

"Well I didn't do it for you three." I said walking away towards the forest.


Y/n was sitting at her spot in the forest.

Trying to wipe away her tears she hears footsteps behind her.

She quickly turns to see Mattheo standing there looking out of breath.

She doesn't say anything and just allows him to sit next to her.

They sat in silence for a solid 5 minutes.

"I don't think it's true." Mattheo says breaking the silence.

"What?" Y/n said still trying to calm down a bit.

"I don't think you are a whore, I know I barely know you and sure I'm trying to make it evident that I'm interested in you, but I would never see you as a whore." Mattheo said meaning ever word.

"Although I appreciate your kind words I don't need pity. Draco's your best friend, I know you would probably laugh along with him." Y/n said looking down.

"You should see his face right now." Mattheo mumbled.

"What was that?" Y/n questioned turning to Mattheo.

"I said we should probably head back right now."

"You can go, I think I'll stay here for a bit." Y/n said.

Mattheo doesn't move and stay sitting next to her.

"Is something the matter?" Y/n questions.

"No, nothing at all, I just think you are barking mad if you think I'll leave you here by yourself." Mattheo said looking forward.

"I don't understand." Y/n whispers.

"What do you mean?" Mattheo questions.

"I don't understand why now you are suddenly interested in me, I don't understand why you are trying to push your way into my life, I don't understand why you would try to help me with my true father." Y/n says ranting a bit.

Mattheo stays quite trying to think of a good excuse to cover up his true reasoning.

Although now he's regretting everything he ever said to Draco on that train.

"I've actually always been interested in you, but to be quite frank you intimidated me because you aren't scared of me like all the other girls. You actually talk to me when I'm putting in effort." Mattheo says half lying.

Again silence took over, for they both didn't really know what to say.

"Thank you." Y/n says.

Mattheo looks at her confused.

"For being here for me right now. I truly appreciate it." Y/n continues.

"It was my honor to be in the presence of Y/n Lupin herself." Mattheo says.

"Well I supposes its Y/n Black now, I mean technically." Y/n said looking down again.

"Black or a Lupin, you are still Y/n."

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