chapter sixteen.

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It is now the next day and Harry, Ron, and Y/n are walking in the courtyard. Harry and Ron have been trying to find some girls to ask to the ball but have had no luck. 

"Why do they always have to travel in packs? How are you supposed to get one alone to ask them?" Harry questioned while looking around at the girls looking frightened. 

"You just have to be a man Harry." Y/n said puffing out her chest.

"Blimey Harry, you slayed dragons. If you can't get a date who can?" Ron said trying to comfort Harry. 

"I think i'll take that dragon now." Y/n just laughed at him as a group of girls gave them ugly looks. 

"Oh girls aren't all that bad. Why don't you ask out Cho? She seems to be interested in you." Y/n said trying to reason with the boy.

"Yea maybe if she isn't too caught up with Cedric." Harry rolled his eyes and left the courtyard.


As Y/n was walking to the great hall she was called.

"Y/n!" she turned around to surprisingly saw Cedric Diggory.

"Can I talk to you?" he asked her with a smile. "Yea of course." she didn't want to be rude.

"I was just wondering if you had a date to the ball?"


"This is mad. At this rate we'll be the only ones in our year without dates." Y/n heard Ron say as she walked up to the table to begin studying with the lot. 

Snape walks by and hits Ron in the head signaling him to be quiet. 

"Well, us and Neville!" Ron said.

"But then again he can take himself." 

"That's quite rude don't you think?" Y/n said enough of them. 

"It might interest you to know that Neville's already got someone." Hermione butted in. 

Ron gasped. "Now i'm really depressed."  Then Ron was hit in the head by a paper that came from the direction of Fred Weasley. The note read 'GET A MOVE ON OR ALL THE GOOD ONES WILL HAVE GONE.' 

Ron gave him a questioning look and watched as his older brother ask Angelina Johnson to the ball, in which she replied with yes.

Because of this Ron turned to Hermione. Y/n could sense what was about to happen and didn't think it would end well. 

"Well Hermione, you're a girl." he told her. 

"Oh well spotted." 

"Come on. It's one thing for a bloke to show up alone. For a girl it's just sad." Y/n elbowed Ron in the stomach trying to tell him to stop. 

"I won't be going alone because believe it or not someone's asked me. And I said yes." Hermione stormed off. "Bloody hell." Ron then turned to Y/n.

"Y/n-" he began. 

"No Ron." she said in a sing-song tone.

"What?! Why not?" Ron questioned. "Because I also have a date." Y/n responded causing both Harry and Ron to turn to her. 

"Who?!" they both whisper shouted. "It better not be Riddle." 

"No it's not Riddle. Cedric asked me, and I said yes." She said nonchalant but his gave Harry hope. 

Both boys turned away. "Look. We've just got to grit our teeth and do it. Tonight when we get back to the common room, we'll both have partners. Agreed?" Ron told Harry.

"Agreed." he responded. Then Snape came and pushed both the boys heads down as they groaned in pain. 


"Is it true?" Y/n heard as she was walking back to the common room.

"What Riddle?" She said already knowing who it was and he caught up to her walking beside her.

"You're going to the ball with Diggory?" He said gritting his teeth.

"Why does it matter?" she stopped and turned to him. "Isn't it obvious that I was going to ask you?!" 

"How is that obvious? You never asked me?! Nor have you ever talked to me about it." she responded. 

"Of all people you just have to go with him." 

"Yes Mattheo because he asked me! Maybe if you did then this wouldn't have been the case." 

"You mean you would have said yes?" He said wanting an answer.

"You'll never know because you didn't ask me." she walked away per usual just done with the drama caused by Mattheo Riddle.


hey guys! sorry i haven't been updating chapters. i sort of gave up on this but then i realized how it feels when i read a good story and it just ends soooo i didn't want to do that to you. i will be uploading more chapters. and i have a new story for any stranger things fans it's a steve harrington x oc! if you are interested pleaseeeeee go read it. thank you for your patience!!!!

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