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"Sung, let's go home!" Yujin put her arms around her brother's neck, hugging him from back before jumping on his back

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"Sung, let's go home!" Yujin put her arms around her brother's neck, hugging him from back before jumping on his back. Jisung shook his head, but he did not get mad at all, just adjust her position a little bit, so she won't fell from his back.

"I want to, but still, I can't find anyone like your type. It's hard, can you just change your type detail- a little hmm?" Jisung looked at Yujin that already placed her chin on his shoulder.

"You still search for that? But still, you promised me, right? Or I won't go-"

He bit his sister's hand, causing the girl to jump off him and kept quiet instead. 

"Yes, I will search for that guy. So, don't ever think to not attend the prom night again. Ever." He warned, causing the girl to roll her eyes but still follow him from behind.

"Oh, you go first, don't need to wait for me. I will come home later with Sungchan! Bye!" Jisung pushed Yujin away and ran towards Sungchan that just walked out from their class.

Yujin walked in opposite way to go home, avoiding herself from meeting his brother's friend.

Well, she is not the type to meet her brother's bestfriends and introduce herself in front of them. It just disgusting for her. Although she kinda know about how popular his brother's friends group is, she never want to know one of them.

She also did not even know who is Sungchan that Jisung called just now although he mentioned him for many times until that name always running around her mind.


"Where is Jisung?" Mrs. Park asked her daughter as soon the girl walked inside all alone.

"Still at school," She replied before sitting down on the dining table to have a lunch with her mother. Lunch at home is always the best! (Second time lunch?)

"Is he searching for the guy that you want for the prom night?" Mrs. Park chuckled, sitting beside her daughter before pinching her cheek.

Yujin nodded. "I don't want to go there, mum. I have a lot of things to do, you know, I am a busy person,"

"You need to socialize a little bit. You are not that busy! You just checking out any NCT contents, streaming their mv for hours and buying all their albums and merch, that is not busy, little girl," She bopped Yujin's nose but the girl just pouted. Her mum was right.

"I'm happy doing that,"

"And I know that, but I just want you to make some friends, maybe one or two," Mrs. Park said. Maybe because Yujin never have any friends as she has a huge trust issues in everyone, and Mrs. Park worried about that.

"I know you are worried about me, but please don't, mum. You know that your daughter is the strongest person you've ever met right? So, trust me," Yujin replied, holding her mother's hand.

"I trust you, okay? If you don't want to go to the prom night, it's okay, dear. I don't want to force you," She replied, stroking her daughter's hair.

"Thanks mum, you are always the best! But, I think I change my mind. I will go to that prom night, I don't want my brother's effort to be thrown away," She chuckled to hide her nervousness. Actually, she really scared of meeting people.

"That's nice of you, dear. But, eat this food first before it's getting cold,"


"Bye Sungchan!! Meet you tomorrow!" Jisung waved at his best friend that live beside his house. That's why they being best friend since day one. But as always, Sungchan never reply, just a hum and he will walk inside his house.

His best friend is a cold person, but he knew, Sungchan is nice too.

Jisung entered his house, seeing Yujin with the NCT performance were playing on their big screen tv, and it is so loud until he needed to slow down the volume before talking to her.

"Hey, Sung! What are you doing?!" Yujin glared at the guy then took the remote from her brother's hand.

"I can't find your type. It's hard." Jisung bumped himself at the couch beside Ryujin, eyes also stucked at the tv, just watching all the men without knowing their names.

"Then, I don't want to go."

"Yeah, I don't care at all. I'm going to let mum scolding me rather than forcing myself to find a non existance human in the world. Just go with the alien, idiot," Jisung took the remote from her hand but before he can change the tv, his eyes stuck at one of the NCT members.

Which give him a big idea.

"Take your remote back, I want to go upstairs! Bye!" Yujin can't even say any words as Jisung quicken his pace to upstairs, she can't figure out what was in her brother's mind this time.



"Should I do this? Or not? Urgh!" Jisung wandered around his room, thinking about his new idea that he never think of.

It just really obvious, and he did not see it at all! He admitted this time that he really dumb.

His new idea was actually a little bit risky for himself and maybe for his sister. It is not a really big deal as he can do that, but how about the other person.

Yes. His best friend's face is same with one of the NCT members that he doesn't know his name. And he really sure Yujin will never reject his choice this time.

He also never attend any prom night or any party. He very cold, not have many friends as Jisung. He rejects any girls too, that is the reason why Jisung worried a lot this time.

It's not easy to ask his best friend Jung Sungchan to attend the prom night, meeting with the school students and be his sister's partner.

It was just impossible! Really!

With a little courage that he had, he took his phone, dialing for Sungchan's number. In his mind, he only hope that Sungchan will not get mad at him. He did not really care if Sungchan rejects his offer but he can't accept it if Sungchan wants to cut off their friendship. Overthinking Jisung, yeah.

"Yes?" Sungchan's cold voice can be heard at the other side.

Jisung gulped. He never being this nervous.

"U-urm, would you help me this time?" Jisung stuttered.


Oh here we go again, it's nothing Jisung. Just say it directly!

"Would you be my sister's partner for the prom night? You know about the type I mentioned earlier right? It's you, definitely you. I mean, only you can help me do that for my sister's sake. Please, Sungchan. Only this time. I'm begging you. If you don't want to accept it, I understand but don't left me! I want to be your friend." Jisung talked a lot when he nervous, so he did.

And there is Jung Sungchan,

"Ok," He said that with the cold tones in his voice, ending the call.

But still, the answer is 'ok' which mean he agreed to it. That's why Jisung was really excited all night although he can't believe with Sungchan's answer that time. Whatever, he will ask Sungchan the next day to confirm about it.

Just Yujin is another problem that he needed to face this time.

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