Here lies the grave of the old admins' work, content, and tips.
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The term 'horror' has different meanings for different people. It could be ghosts and haunted houses. Clowns and killers for others. Another find the creatures that go bump in the night, unseen, to be the most terrifying. As the new dawn arrived, a new admin will help you to expand your understanding of the said genre.
I, Skian Stellar, still exploring the field of Horror so don't expect my tips to be the grandest. I'll be using the emoji '☁️' from now on. Just look above so you could remember Admin Skian.
Any questions? Comment here!
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Are you ready to re-unveil the horror within? We'll come back soonest!
Do not hesitate to ask or comment on your inquiries and additional ideas that I can consider helpful to other aspiring writers. I will enlist it to a specific part of this book.
| WritersPHHorror |
Unveiling the Horror Within
HororThis book contain various tips and minimal trivias which regards to the genre of Horror. The main purpose of this book was to provide guidelines and tips for the aspiring or professional writers to gain some knowledge on the track of Horror genre. F...