Arthur Morgan x Male Reader

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Warning- gore/violence

(M/N) is an outlaw but he is very highly strung so when he gets angry he's extremely dangerous, even more than Micah.
He'd been kicked out of every gang he'd been in for being too volatile, even for other outlaws.
Some may call him a psychopath that should be locked up in an asylum but Arthur Morgan saw something in him that others didn't.

"(M/N) why are you covered in blood." Arthur asked eyeing him suspiciously.

"Just got a bit angry Arthur don't worry I only killed an annoying preacher this time, stupid bastard said I look like I need the lord in my life." (M/N) scoffed trying to wipe the blood off his arms.

"(M/N) you can't keep doing this, you're gonna get caught one day and Dutch is at his wits end, I had to beg him to not cut you loose last time this happened!" Arthur shouted.

"Like you can talk! You kill people everyday!" (M/N) screamed.

"Yes but I don't kill in cold blood, you're killing random people for looking at you funny!."

"I can't help it Arthur I just go into a rage I can't control, its like something takes over my body." (M/N) cried.

"Come here." Arthur pulls (M/N) into a hug.
That's when (M/N) completely broke down.

"Sshh darlin I'll help you." Arthur cooed cradling his head.

"Don't waste your time on me Arthur, I'm a lost cause." He softly cried more.

"Come on, let's go somewhere private." Arthur lifts him up onto his horse and then gets on behind wrapping his arms around his torso.

They arrived in a small clearing surrounded by trees.
Dismounting the horse, Arthur lifts (M/N) back down.

"You calmed down now darlin?" Arthur sighed running his hand through (M/N) hair.

"A little, thank you Arthur, you're always so sweet to me when I don't deserve it at all."

"Listen I know I ain't good with this whole love thing but one thing I do know is that I love you so much, I just don't want you getting yourself in trouble or killed." Arthur kissed him softly.

(M/N) kissed back feeling his heart beat rapidly, he doesn't know how he got so lucky to get someone like Arthur Morgan but he was sure grateful for it.

(Time skip)

It had been a few months since (M/N) had last killed in blind rage but that soon changed when he saw a letter on Arthur's table from the one and only Mary Linton.
(M/N) hid the letter from his boyfriend and decided to meet this Mary himself.
He made an excuse to Arthur and said he was going to Rhodes to do a small robbery but in reality he was heading to Saint Denis to kill this bitch.

He arrived at the hotel and climbed through an open window at the back, heading to the room Mary said she was staying in.
He carefully opened the door seeing her sat on the bed doing her hair.
Shutting the door he ran and covered her mouth before she could scream.

"Shut up before I break your neck." He harshly whispered as he stuffed a cloth in her mouth, tying it at the back. He tied her hands and feet to the bed to make sure she couldn't escape.

"Are you Mary Linton?"
She nodded, tears dripping down her cheeks.
(M/N) chuckled darkly.
"It's a bad day for you Mary, I'm a friend of Arthur's you see and I don't appreciate you writing to him, he's mine not yours."
Mary's eyes widened in shock as she struggled against the rope.

(M/N) took out his knife and slowly made a cut down her right cheek, her screams muffled by the cloth.

(M/N) wanted to hurt her like she hurt Arthur, he repeatedly punched her in the face, breaking her nose in the process.

"I hate you so much, you hurt MY Arthur and now you're trying to get him back, well you're too late." (M/N) plunged his knife into her throat.
He watched and smiled as the life drained from her eyes.
"You got what you deserve bitch." He spat stabbing her once in the chest for good measure.
He took her money and some jewellery to make it look like a random robbery gone wrong, hopefully Arthur wouldn't find out it was him.

(Time skip)

(M/N) quickly left to go and clean himself up, he knew Arthur would be expecting him back at camp soon and he didn't want him to come looking and find him covered in blood.
He also didn't want Arthur recognising the jewellery so he stopped by the fence, making sure his face was covered in case anyone questioned the owner about who brought in a murdered woman's jewellery.

Arriving back at camp he went straight to his and Arthur's shared room.

"Hey darlin, Tilly said she put a letter on my table but it's not there, have you seen it?" He questioned suspiciously.

"No sorry, she must have misplaced it." (M/N) said trying to act innocent.

"Hmm..ok I'll look for it later."

(M/N) rushed forward, hugging Arthur tightly.
"I love you Arthur please don't ever leave me."

Arthur kissed his forehead and then his lips.
"I'll never leave you." He mumbled.

(Time skip)

(M/N) walked into the bedroom to see Arthur sat reading a newspaper.

"What ya reading?" He asked sitting next to Arthur, snuggling against his side.

"Nothing just... in the newspaper it says Mary was found dead in her hotel room, all tied up, beaten and stabbed." Arthur sighed.

"I'm sorry Arthur I know she meant a lot to you at one time." (M/N) feigned sympathy.

"Yeah well it's done now." Arthur mumbled.

(M/N) kissed his lips softly.
"You'll be ok Arthur, just forget about it."

Arthur eyed him suspiciously but melted into the kiss anyways. Even if (M/N) had something to do with Mary's death he could never hate him, he had Arthur fully smitten and wrapped around his finger and nothing could change that.

When Arthur fell asleep (M/N) snuck out of bed and went far into the woods away from camp and laughed manically, Arthur was now his forever and he would kill anyone who tried to take him away.

Red Dead Redemption 2 x Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now