Teenage Jack Marston x Male Reader

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You were (Y/N) Geddes, second son of ranch owner David Geddes.
Your parents were always arguing or away so you spent most of your time hanging out with the ranch hands or your brothers, and trying to avoid meeting any Laramie's.

The Laramie's were becoming a big problem, threatening your dad, stealing and occasionally killing a ranch hand. You were quite scared until "Jim Milton" and his family arrived.
The only one you were really interested in was "Lancelot" a boy your age. You two quickly became best friends and it didn't take long for him to open up and tell you his real name is Jack Marston. He also told you his father is on the run for murder and how Jack grew up in a gang of outlaws.

"(Y/N) please don't tell your dad about this, my pa is really trying to change and if I ruin it he'll hate me." Jack begged you.

"Of course I won't tell, I want you to stay here with me." You said hugging him.

After a couple of months you and Jack became even closer, you shared your first kiss behind the barn and began a secret relationship.

You were both cuddled under a tree near the back of the ranch.
"I'm so glad I met you (Y/N)" Jack said as he kissed your cheek shyly.
"Me too, I love you Jack." You said softly nuzzling into his chest when suddenly you heard Jacks mother, Abigail shouting for him.

Abigail finally had enough of Johns behaviour. You watched as she took Jack and left the ranch leaving you both heartbroken.
You didn't see each other for months, John left to try and start his own ranch, which gave you hope of possibly seeing Jack again.


You found out from your dad that John had bought an old ranch near Blackwater called Beechers Hope.

"(Y/N) I need you and your brother to take this old furniture to Beechers Hope, a little thank you gift to Mr Marston for all his help with the Laramie's." Your dad said, your face lit up and you immediately hopped in the wagon, ready to see your favourite person again.

When you arrived at Beechers Hope you saw Jack and you jumped down from the moving wagon and engulfed him in a hug.

"I missed you so much!" You said as you grabbed his face and kissed him without thinking.
John, Abigail and your brother stood there stunned.

"Well I wasn't expecting that..." John said chuckling awkwardly.
You both jumped away from each other, only just realising what happened.

"We're not mad or anything, you two carry on." Abigail said pulling John away into the house to ease the awkwardness.

You both giggled and your brother was still too stunned to speak.


You and Jack visited each others ranches frequently and you went riding around just to talk a lot.
Jack was telling you about his recent hunting trips with his dad and how he was wanting to go after a big grizzly bear in Tall Trees.

"Jack are you sure you're skilled enough to go after a bear?" I mean you've only hunted elks and turkeys so far." You asked, riding alongside him.

"Of course I am, I'll prove it to you, I'm going to go and hunt it by myself right now." He said.

"Jack don't be stupid, it's a grizzly bear and you're not experienced enough to hunt one yet."

"I have to prove to my pa that I'm man enough, he wants me to be tough like him but it's kind of hard when I'm dating you, I look like a damn queer. He's probably so disappointed in me..." Jack said getting increasingly angry.

"Dating men doesn't make you less of a man Jack." You said feeling taken aback by his anger.

"Yes it does, you wouldn't understand you have brothers who can carry on the family name, I don't."

"Your Pa doesn't care about that stuff and you're
going to end up getting yourself killed because of these ridiculous thoughts."

"Just shut up (Y/N) you don't know anything, I have to do this." He said as he pushed his horse into a gallop towards Tall Trees.

You raced back to Beechers as fast as your horse could carry you.

"Mr Marston! Mr Marston!" You yelled out, John and Abigail came rushing out the house.

"Woah what's wrong kid?" John asked untying his own horse.

"It's Jack, he's gone up into Tall Trees by himself to try and hunt that big grizzly that's been spotted up there."

"What?! Why the hell is he doing that?" John mounted his horse and raced off before you could answer so you followed after him.

After searching for a while, you both heard a few gunshots and a yell and immediately knew it was Jack.
When you saw him he was trapped between a boulder and the bear, you noticed a few cuts on his arms where the bear had tried to maul him. You went to run up to him but John held you back and then pushed you behind him.

"Stay back (Y/N) I need a clear shot." John whispered trying not to provoke the bear more.

The bear turned and tried to swipe at John but he just managed to shoot in time before the bear charged him.
Once the bear was down, you ran up to Jack and pulled him into a hug, he hugged back silently crying into your shoulder.

"I'm sorry I should've listened to you." He whispered in your ear.

"Jack what the hell were you thinking? You're not ready to hunt bears yet. If (Y/N) hadn't found me in time you'd be dead." John said angry yet relieved his son was safe.

"I'm sorry Pa, I just wanted you to be proud of me and I took it too far." Jack said sheepishly.

John sighed and also pulled him into a hug.
" I am proud of you, I don't care about how many animals you can hunt or how big and dangerous they are. So stop nearly getting yourself killed please." He chuckled.


You arrived back at the ranch and after Abigail fussed over Jack you both went and sat in the hay loft in the barn.

Jack kissed your lips softly.
" I'm sorry about all that and everything I said, I was being stupid."

"It's ok, just please listen to me next time." You giggled and peppered kisses all over his face.

This has been in the drafts for months and I only just remembered it. Sorry it's bad as always lol.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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