John Marston x Male Reader

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You were a new member of the Van Der Linde gang, unfortunately that meant you got most of the chores around camp like caring for the horses and restocking Pearson's wagon.

While doing chores you noticed John staring at you, thinking it was just because you were new and he was still wary you brushed it off.

One day when you were cleaning up after the horses John walked up to you.

"Hey (M/N) come on it's about time someone showed you how to do guard duty." John smiled.
"Sure! I hope it beats cleaning up horse shit." You joked.
John laughed and showed you where the guns are kept.
"Guard duty is pretty easy you just stand around and if anyone approaches ask them to identify themselves and if it's a stranger tell em to get lost and if it's an enemy just shoot em." John explained.
"Thanks John." You laughed as he left you to it.

After a while John came back to check on you.
"John this is so boring how do you do it everyday." You groaned.
"You get used to it eventually, just try not to fall asleep or Hosea will unleash hell on you." John said patting you on the back.
"Honestly I think hell might be better than this." You joked.

You were talking with John for a while when he pinned you to a tree.
"What are you doing?" You asked nervously.
"I don't know..." he murmured.
Suddenly he kissed you softly, shocked you didn't kiss back.
"I'm so sorry I don't know what came over me." John panicked.
You just smiled and grabbed his cheeks pulling yourself towards him, kissing him hard.
"You don't need to apologise." You smirked

After making out for a while John stopped you.
"(M/N) I love you I don't know why but ever since I first saw you I felt this way, but we can't tell anyone about this you know Abigail would kill us both if she found out."
" I love you too John and I understand I won't tell anyone." You promised as he hugged you tight.

You were sad that you couldn't show your affection for each other in camp but you knew that if anyone found out it would cause absolute chaos in camp, so for now you were fine with being John Marstons little secret.

Red Dead Redemption 2 x Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now