Micah Bell x Male Reader

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Micah's POV:

Micah had been feeling strange recently. Every time he saw you his heart did a weird jumpy thing, when he saw another member of the gang talking to you or making you laugh, he felt rage bubbling inside him, if you were on a job he wasn't on he worried but if he was on a job with you he also worried and wanted to protect you.
Micah had never felt like this before so the only conclusion he could come to was that you had obviously poisoned him and he was going to confront you about it.

Readers POV:

You were on guard duty, nearly falling asleep from boredom when suddenly Micah came up behind you and slammed you against a tree.
"Woah!, Micah what the hell?!" You yelped, as he caught you by surprise.
"I should be asking you that! What the hell do you think you're doing!" He shouted in your face.
"I have no idea what you're on about Micah, get off me!" You tried pushing him away but he just pushed harder.
"Yea you do, you been putting poison in my food or whiskey or somethin." He growled.
"What? No I haven't, why do you think that? Have the boys been winding you up again?" You said genuinely confused about his accusations.
"Yes you did! And no I figured this out myself, and I have evidence. Ever since you been here, my chest feels tight and my mind has just been filled with you. Clearly you're poisoning me to try and kill me, well guess what? It's not gonna work because I figured you out." Micah sneered.
Shocked you just stared at him before quickly bursting into laughter.
"What! You think it's funny!? Trying to kill me!" He grabbed your shirt collar ready to punch you.
"No I'm just laughing because what you're experiencing is called feelings." You said in between giggles.  Micah immediately let you go.
"What you talkin bout? You obviously poisoned me!" He turned around in a huff.
You managed to calm your laughter "Think about it Micah, what poison would make you feel like that just towards me and not anyone else?, unless you think I've got some magical love potion." You turned him back to face you.  Micah blushed, not able to look you in the eye, a rare sight.
You tilted his head up gently "It seems you do have a heart after all" you smiled, placing a small kiss on his lips. Surprisingly, he kissed back.
"Still think I poisoned you now?" You smirked.
"Shut up, if you tell anyone about this I swear I'll kill you." Micah blushed as he shoved your shoulder lightly.
"Don't worry, even if I did tell anyone they wouldn't believe that the great Micah Bell is capable of such feelings." You laughed.


Ever since that day, Micah had been openly protective and caring towards you and the rest of the gang had started to notice.
"Why the hell is Micah suddenly obsessed with you?" Arthur asked you when you were sat by the campfire.
"I have no idea what you're talking about..." you said sheepishly, looking at your feet.
"Leave my boy alone Morgan" Micah said picking you up and taking you to his tent, leaving a shocked Arthur sat there, wondering what the hell just happened.

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