Teenage Jack Marston x Male Reader

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This has been in my drafts for ages sorry it's so bad lol

You and Jack were hanging out in the barn loft at Beechers Hope just talking about life.
You were secret boyfriends so when your parents went on a business trip the Marstons let you stay with them at their ranch.
You had been helping Jack with his chores all day so you were both exhausted.

John and Abigail went to Blackwater to run errands, Uncle was sleeping as usual and Charles was working on the crops.

Jack was talking about a book he was reading but you weren't really listening you were to busy staring at his cute face.

"(Y/N)?... are you listening?" Jack asked.
"Huh? Oh yeah...." you quickly pecked him on the lips.
Jack blushed smiling softly.
"I...love...you" you said in between kisses.
Jack kissed back "I love you too" Jack whispered, nuzzling into your neck.
You were too busy making out that you didn't realise Uncle walked in the barn and saw you two.
He panicked a little bit not knowing how to react so he went to tell Charles.


"Erm... Charles I need to tell you something." Uncle said twiddling his fingers anxiously.
"Ok what is it?" Charles said putting the rake down.
"I don't know how to say it but...."
"Just spit it out old man."
"I saw Jack and (Y/N) kissing up in the barn."
"Ok...and.." Charles said unbothered by the whole situation.
"Should I tell John and Abigail?" Uncle asked.
"I mean you can if you want but it's not a big deal."
Uncle waited for John and Abigail to get back and when they did he sheepishly walked over.
What's up why do you look guilty?" John asked.
"I need to tell you both something.." Uncle trailed on.
"What have you done?" Abigail asked, crossing her arms.
"Nothing! I just saw something and thought I would tell you."
"Okay what is it?" John asked getting impatient.
"I saw Jack and (Y/N) kissing." He blurted out fast.
"What?" Abigail and John were confused.
"I saw them in the barn I swear."
John and Abigail looked at each other.
"Well don't say anything let them tell us." Abigail said noticeably giddy and trying to hide a smile.


You and Jack had fallen asleep cuddled up to each other when you woke up you smiled down at Jack and kissed his nose, he stirred and woke also.

"Hey cutie." you smiled.
"Hey." Jack smiled back kissing you softly.
"We've been up here a while it's already getting dark out." You said looking out the window.
"Let's go back to the house then." Jack said rubbing his eyes.
"One more kiss." You smirked planting your lips on his.

After another few kisses you went back into the house and saw John and Abigail sat on the couch smirking slightly.

"And where have you two been?." John said giving them a knowing look.
"Err just in the barn.." Jack mumbled.

What the boys didn't know is that John and Abigail went up to the loft and took a photo of the two cuddled up in between the hay bales.

"Anyway, dinners ready boys." Abigail stood up walking to the kitchen.
You, Jack and John went and sat down at the table. You noticed John looked slightly tense and awkward.
"So uhh... you got anything to tell me boys?" John said shuffling in his chair.
Jack blushed "I don't know what you mean pa."
"We know you two are dating." John quickly blurted out.
"We're not upset or mad, don't worry." John said noticing both your faces had gone pale.
"Thanks dad but how did you find out?"
"Well uhh... Uncle may have seen something and told us." John laughed nervously.
You and Jack looked at each other.
"I'm gonna kill him." You both said at the same time, getting up and running out the door. John just laughed.

Red Dead Redemption 2 x Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now