John Marston x Male Reader

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Being poor meant you had to steal things and stealing things meant trying not to get caught.
You had done well for years, sneaking into rich peoples houses and stealing things like jewellery, money, heirlooms and even fancy clothes, then selling them on for a small fortune.
It was all going good for a while until you were caught with a handful of jewels by a snooty rich woman who began screaming, alerting every guard on the property.
Luckily you managed to escape by jumping through a window, however a worker saw your face and gave that information to the sheriffs office resulting in a price on your head.

Bounty hunters from all over the state were out looking for you, you had to kill some of them to escape.
Killing is something you didn't like to do but if you had to you would.

Being wanted also meant having to move everyday and set up camp.
You were sat in front of the fire staring at your wanted poster, you had to admit the drawing of you was pretty good, no wonder people recognise you in the towns.
Throwing the poster in the fire you stood up to go to your tent when you noticed a man in the distance staring straight at you.
You knew immediately it was a bounty hunter, you dashed to your horse leaving your camp behind, and spurring him into a gallop.
The man chased you for a while when suddenly a rope wrapped around your chest, pulling you from your horse causing you to hit the ground hard.
"Well well well what do we have here?" The man chuckled, hogtying your hands and feet together.
"What the fuck are you doing?" You tried to act ignorant to the situation.
"Ha! Don't pretend, we both know why we're here." He laughed lifting you up onto the back of his horse.
"I only did it cause I had to! I was starving and no one would hire me." You pleaded to the man.
"That sounds like bullshit to me Mr (L/N) but go on amuse me, why will no one hire you?" The man laughed again.
"It's a long story..." you muttered.
"Don't worry we got time I gotta get you all the way to Blackwater."
"Well it started when a few fellas in town told everyone I was sweet on other men, of course everyone freaked out and basically acted like I didn't exist anymore, some people even threatened to kill me." You explained.
"Why didn't you just leave?"
"Like I said mister I don't have any money, I was barely surviving, and even if I did move word travels fast around these parts." You sighed.
"My names John by the way, John Marston."
"Nice to meet you, the man who is gonna get me hanged most probably." You said sarcastically.
"Is it true though?" John asked.
"That you're sweet on other men."
"I don't know...I guess I had a girlfriend once but it felt more like a brother sister relationship rather than a romantic one."
"So you do like men?"
"Yes ok can you shut up now, don't even know why you're so interested anyway." You grunted as his horse sped up into a trot.
"Just curious" he mumbled.

Turn out travelling from Scarlet Meadows to Blackwater was gonna take longer than John thought so he set up a camp to rest his horse a while.
Unfortunately you were still tied up this time just sat on the ground.
John walked into the nearby woods to gather some logs and branches to make a fire, thinking this was a good time to try and make an escape, you tried pulling on the ropes but to no avail they wouldn't break.
Realising that you were well and truly stuck and probably going to hang for your crimes, you broke down into tears.
All this because some assholes didn't like you.

Walking back to the camp John could hear sobbing knowing it was you.
He hated to admit it but he felt sorry for you, after all he had done things ten times worse than what you did.
He started to wonder if this $30 bounty was worth it.
Walking up to you John awkwardly put his arms around you as you sobbed into his shoulder.
"Sshh it's ok." He whispered as he cut the ropes around your ankles.
You stared at him in disbelief wondering what on earth he was doing.
He cut the ropes around your wrists gently taking your hands in his.
"Don't worry I won't turn you in, I know what it's like to be poor and starving with no other option apart from stealing, I shouldn't have even captured you, I'm sorry." John explained.
"Thank you for understanding" you pulled him into another hug.
John softly kissed your lips leaving you stunned.
"Seems like I'm sweet on a fella too" John joked.
Laughing you pulled him into another kiss.

If only all bounty hunters were like this.

Red Dead Redemption 2 x Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now