Dutch Van Der Linde x Male Reader

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(Warning smut)

You were an infamous assassin, sometimes working for the government even though you were technically 'wanted'.
They got a criminal or high profile person dead and you got a decent amount of money and your freedom as a reward.
You still had morals though you would only kill people who you thought deserved it.
This is why you were currently sat in a meeting with some government officials you didn't bother to learn the names of.

"Mr (Y/N) we have called you to this meeting today to discuss a very important case, we need you to kill Dutch Van der Linde." The man said handing you a wanted poster.
"Recently him and his gang raided a ferry in Blackwater killing loads of lawmen and innocent citizens, one of those citizens was Heidi McCourt a young woman he shot in the head with seemingly no remorse." He explained.
"As you can see he is not a kind man, most of his gang were lowly street urchins he seduced with his silver tongue turning them into degenerate murderers."
"Last I heard he and his gang are hiding out near Valentine, you kill him but don't bother with the others we will capture them ourselves." Nodding you put the poster in your satchel.

You knew of the Van Der Linde gang from the newspapers mostly but you knew the papers often exaggerated things to make people look worse than they actually were.
So you decided to find out what they were like for yourself.


Surprisingly you found their camp at Horseshoe Overlook pretty easily by following a man you recognised as Bill Williamson back from Valentine after hearing him spouting off at some O'driscolls.
Scoping the place out you noticed they had someone on guard duty most of the day and night, you realised the best time to strike was when a red head was on duty because he fell asleep every time without fail.
The only problem was Dutch's tent was in the middle of the camp surrounded by everyone else's tents.

You found an opening when most of the camp was sat by the fire singing.
You went in as quietly as possible peeking through the tent flaps.
Dutch was asleep, perfect you thought.
You hovered over him admiring his face, he was handsome, especially compared to the drawings on the wanted posters.
You took your poisoned knife out ready to stab him in the heart, hopefully killing him quickly and silently.
Just as you were about to plunge the knife into his chest, a strong hand grabbed your wrist making you gasp and drop the knife.
"Who are you and what the hell do you think you're doing?" Dutch sneered pinning you to the ground.
You were internally panicking, this had never happened before but you kept calm on the outside trying not to show fear.
"Just doing my job." You smirked at him.
Dutch growled grabbing you by your shirt collar so you were at eye level.
"Who sent you." He spat.
"The Government."
Dutch pushed you onto his bed and climbed on top of you.
"Well since you tried to kill me I think a punishment is in order don't you?" He smirked as he unbuttoned your shirt.
Shocked you just nodded slowly, blushing bright red.
Dutch chuckled and started sucking on your neck, leaving visible marks.
You moaned softly but Dutch put his hand over your mouth.
"Hush now we don't want any of them to come rushing in."


Dutch has both you and him naked in minutes, not being able to wait any longer he shoved himself inside you, nearly making you scream in pain.
He was pounding into you fast trying to be as quiet as possible, luckily the gang were still round the fire singing and most of them were drunk.
After a while of this you came hard, gripping onto the bed, Dutch following straight after.

You closed your eyes panting hard when Dutch lifted you up and kissed you, you kissed back and then suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of your neck.
Dutch just stabbed you with your own poisoned knife.
The last thing you saw was Dutch smirking as everything faded into darkness

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